the chitown sourkush thread

well chilled with that girl again, more smooth sailing. she's fuckin badass man. hope this shit works out....
nah this is gonna be a serious one I can already tell. that's gonna come later ya know.

yea i feel ya, gotta respect that. idk if its my status now, but idk if i could kicc it wit a girl too many times without tryin or bringin it up.
i tried to play mr nice guy with my wife when we met, almost got myself raped. i'm happy for you tho, for anybody to find someone special, is special.
yea i feel ya, gotta respect that. idk if its my status now, but idk if i could kicc it wit a girl too many times without tryin or bringin it up.
i tried to play mr nice guy with my wife when we met, almost got myself raped. i'm happy for you tho, for anybody to find someone special, is special.

yep thanks bro it's been over a year since I've had any other girl so its a nice change...
yea i feel ya, gotta respect that. idk if its my status now, but idk if i could kicc it wit a girl too many times without tryin or bringin it up.
i tried to play mr nice guy with my wife when we met, almost got myself raped. i'm happy for you tho, for anybody to find someone special, is special.

lol@ "i tried playing mr. nice guy and almost got myself raped".... that sounds like a prison learing experiance to me.. hahahaha im fucking baked off sour diesel "pure nugget... and some very very nice bubble hash that im told is str8 from nor. cali!!!!!! you know they got that good shit in norcali... ;)
haha hell yeah bro. I'm blazed off of some DIESEL scizzor hash!!! how cool is that bro we'r eboth blazed off of the same pheno

this shit has an epic high. makes me feel on top of the world
haha hell yeah bro. I'm blazed off of some DIESEL scizzor hash!!! how cool is that bro we'r eboth blazed off of the same pheno

this shit has an epic high. makes me feel on top of the world

man im retarted high.. i fucked up when i woke up bro!!! i had to piss all hard about it so i got up all fast cuzz my bladder was gonna bust... on the way to take a leak all eratic and first thing in the morning about it i stub my toe hard has fuck on a corner of the top of nmy staircase.... ouch!!!! i hop to the toilett right and i grab my foot to massage the pain away... then i see my hand and foot full of blood and my index toenail hanging there by a small peace of skin!!!! SON OF AH BITCH!!
man im retarted high.. i fucked up when i woke up bro!!! i had to piss all hard about it so i got up all fast cuzz my bladder was gonna bust... on the way to take a leak all eratic and first thing in the morning about it i stub my toe hard has fuck on a corner of the top of nmy staircase.... ouch!!!! i hop to the toilett right and i grab my foot to massage the pain away... then i see my hand and foot full of blood and my index toenail hanging there by a small peace of skin!!!! SON OF AH BITCH!!
ahh fuck I hate that shit so fuckin much. had that shit happen a while back, put the flap of skin back in place and it healed right and everything, got lucky....

you less sick today bro?
hey express,or anyone for that matter, what do you recommend to pass a drug test? its a UA, and i cant seem to pass the damn dip sticks i bought. pissing me off.

dont smoke for atleast 2 full weeks.... in that time the first 2-3 days go on a liquid/fruit n veggie diet... that will burn mad fat... has that fat burns the thc metabolites will not be binded to that fat and will leave ur body mostly threw your feces or shit but also to a lesser extent your urine, and i think sweat also..... also for the first week be active.. try to sweat and burn has many calories has possible... but its very important not to keep working out 4-5 days before the test...... keep drinking water and green tea.... water can raise your metabolism 10-15 percent i think if you drink enough of it... and tea has more flavor then water and is rich in antioxidants wich speed up the rate at wich pollutants and free radicals leave ur body.... but dont think that water/fluids will quick flush you out cuzz it wont because thc is not water soluble... this would work for coke, heroin, morphine, and amphetamines though...

on the day of the test.......... wake up early....... piss your first piss... should be real dark and smelly.... start drinking water right away... keep drinking and drinnking untill your pissing every 20-30 min or so......... once your piss is clear and dont have an odor your good to go...... one hour before the test eat like 5 times the rec. dose of vit. b.... that will add yellow color to ur urine.... then go in there and piss.... hthis for sure will beat a panal test like everytime... but sometimes if ur piss too clear they will send it to a lab..... there they check for metabolite count........ i always passed those just barley.. i always had a small amount of thc in me but not enough to were it was a fail... it was always under 25 met. count..... i had to do this like once a month for probation !!!!

but if they dont watch you piss all you need is some synthetic urine.,.

forgot to add drinking loads of water can be dangerous..... but it will help u pass a piss test.. it does this by your kidneys stop filtering all the pollutants, free radicals, thc, ect.... but when you drink massive amounts of water your kidneys stop releaseing free radicals, and just concentrates on proccessing all that water.. this can lead to kidney failure, or sufficating by ur lungs filling with water.... it was better then jail to me so i had to risk it!
dont smoke for atleast 2 full weeks.... in that time the first 2-3 days go on a liquid/fruit n veggie diet... that will burn mad fat... has that fat burns the thc metabolites will not be binded to that fat and will leave ur body mostly threw your feces or shit but also to a lesser extent your urine, and i think sweat also..... also for the first week be active.. try to sweat and burn has many calories has possible... but its very important not to keep working out 4-5 days before the test...... keep drinking water and green tea.... water can raise your metabolism 10-15 percent i think if you drink enough of it... and tea has more flavor then water and is rich in antioxidants wich speed up the rate at wich pollutants and free radicals leave ur body.... but dont think that water/fluids will quick flush you out cuzz it wont because thc is not water soluble... this would work for coke, heroin, morphine, and amphetamines though...

on the day of the test.......... wake up early....... piss your first piss... should be real dark and smelly.... start drinking water right away... keep drinking and drinnking untill your pissing every 20-30 min or so......... once your piss is clear and dont have an odor your good to go...... one hour before the test eat like 5 times the rec. dose of vit. b.... that will add yellow color to ur urine.... then go in there and piss.... hthis for sure will beat a panal test like everytime... but sometimes if ur piss too clear they will send it to a lab..... there they check for metabolite count........ i always passed those just barley.. i always had a small amount of thc in me but not enough to were it was a fail... it was always under 25 met. count..... i had to do this like once a month for probation !!!!

but if they dont watch you piss all you need is some synthetic urine.,.

forgot to add drinking loads of water can be dangerous..... but it will help u pass a piss test.. it does this by your kidneys stop filtering all the pollutants, free radicals, thc, ect.... but when you drink massive amounts of water your kidneys stop releaseing free radicals, and just concentrates on proccessing all that water.. this can lead to kidney failure, or sufficating by ur lungs filling with water.... it was better then jail to me so i had to risk it!

lol fuckin a.........