the chitown sourkush thread

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
nice, the diesel seems to be more crystally SLIGHTLY. Im' lovin both phenos there.
actually, in person they are both equally crystally. just was shooting shots in very bad lighting. the sun was way to bright to get great shots. here is another not so great shot of the same cola/bud that shows the shine of the crystals more..... but from just looking at those pictures, I probably would have thought the same..:joint:


Well-Known Member
hows the highs doc? between the two phenos?
i could answer that for ya.... and i have.... now its time for someone elses oppinion.... and thats part of the reason for the blessings... i wanna share this strain and see what others think....


Well-Known Member
yeah I remember what you said bro, I like to hear multiple perspectives on the same strain you know. plus I'm just excited.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
hows the highs doc? between the two phenos?
hey pops. I just got to sample a piece lastnight. it is still damp but I couldn't wait to smoke it:D I'm not sure what pheno I smoked, but the high was insane! I shit you not. I was fuckin' stoned off my ass. and the high lasted a long long time. tasted real good too. like a sour candy, but sweet.......... make sure you got mothers dude! it's a definite keeper!


Well-Known Member
hey pops. I just got to sample a piece lastnight. it is still damp but I couldn't wait to smoke it:D I'm not sure what pheno I smoked, but the high was insane! I shit you not. I was fuckin' stoned off my ass. and the high lasted a long long time. tasted real good too. like a sour candy, but sweet.......... make sure you got mothers dude! it's a definite keeper!
I got better than mothers, I have pollen ;)


Well-Known Member
just gonna keep inbreeding SK. I don't think Sk is the type of strain that should be mixed with anything so I'm just gonna keep it authentic and keep inbreeding it.