the chitown sourkush thread


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";4427209]Its in the ground as well no?[/QUOTE]

hell yeah it is.... lol what you think hommie just burried the pot it was in and shit??lol


Well-Known Member
been smoking sourkush {both phenos} for comming up on a week tommorow.... zero tolerence built up!!!! one small .3 .4 of a gram bowl gets me lifted with ease!!!!!! for a nice long time


Well-Known Member
hell yeah! I'm glad I got both phenos in there . . . there is a 3rd pheno but I don't think it's anything major, we'll see when it goes into bud, but so far it just looks like the only difference is the 3rd pheno is favoring the bubba but with green stems, it kinda grows differently.

bubba with purple stems grows in a uniform bush, diesel grows in a weird spread out bush sativa like, and the green bubba grows out in a bush style that kinda lacks uniform . . . hard to describe.


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";4430663]Isnt Purple Stems a sign of deficiency? Like phosphorus?[/QUOTE]

it can be yes....

all my lil sk seedlings start with purple stems.... some of them go away all togather... some of them retains them, and some of them get green stems and the only purple is on the stem that connects a fanleaf to the main stem... THERE ARE ONLY TWO PHENOTYPES... TRUST ME


Well-Known Member
heres a fhew pics of the bc before and after i harvested her wet weight was 61grams but i did not chop the whole plant left the lower buds so they will thicken up :hump:



Well-Known Member
well the rocklock is almost ready for harvest these buds are super thick and smell really dank !! the tops of the colas are startin to turn a slight purple color probly be ready in next couple of days :leaf::bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
it can be yes....

all my lil sk seedlings start with purple stems.... some of them go away all togather... some of them retains them, and some of them get green stems and the only purple is on the stem that connects a fanleaf to the main stem... THERE ARE ONLY TWO PHENOTYPES... TRUST ME
two MAIN phenos maybe . . . . but green stems instead of purple stems is definitely a phenotype . . . . it didn't have purple stems at ANY point in its growth. the ones with purple stems have no deficiencies.


Well-Known Member
two MAIN phenos maybe . . . . but green stems instead of purple stems is definitely a phenotype . . . . it didn't have purple stems at ANY point in its growth. the ones with purple stems have no deficiencies.

bro i gave you 14 beans and you popped and grown like 8 of them once so now you know more about the strain i bred then i do??? come on man... those are both bubbas..... purple stems or not!!!!



Well-Known Member
just saying they have different growth patterns man . . . that indicates a phenotype, even if it isn't a major one, its STILL a phenotype. I don't have to grow your strain for 5 years to know this . . . . jesus.

the true test will be when the bud is finished. then I will say for sure if this is another phenotype or not, and you can't just say there are only 2 phenotypes and expect me to believe you based on your experience, you gotta EXPLAIN how that variation in growth I found isn't a phenotype otherwise I'm not going to believe you.


Well-Known Member
just saying they have different growth patterns man . . . that indicates a phenotype, even if it isn't a major one, its STILL a phenotype. I don't have to grow your strain for 5 years to know this . . . . jesus.

the true test will be when the bud is finished. then I will say for sure if this is another phenotype or not, and you can't just say there are only 2 phenotypes and expect me to believe you based on your experience, you gotta EXPLAIN how that variation in growth I found isn't a phenotype otherwise I'm not going to believe you.

lol then dont beleave me......... beleave dna genetics instead.... lol

also you have said for sure already there is another pheno....... just a few post ago....


Well-Known Member
lol then dont beleave me......... beleave dna genetics instead.... lol

also you have said for sure already there is another pheno....... just a few post ago....
if bubba with green stems and a different growth pattern isn't another pheno then you must have your own definition of phenotype.


Well-Known Member
if bubba with green stems and a different growth pattern isn't another pheno then you must have your own definition of phenotype.

there is no diffrent growth pattern... im tired of having to correct you... and also argueing... your making observations based on clone growth formations..... arent you??? you have to be.. otherwise you would see that the two are quit the same.

just blow one back and listen to this.....