the chitown sourkush thread

this wonder chem is interesting... it taste like tropical papaya candy with a lil fuel.. not enough fuel for my liking but very intesting taste anyway... nice balanced high
You ever think about moving outta Humboldt Park?
yeah I have... ive lived all over..... mostly on the north side and southern and western burbs... ive lived in cali before too for a grow season... ive lived in Humboldt park, logan sq. lake view, rogers park, cicero, lyons, aurora, Humboldt park is just were my hearts at..
if your girl like tall decent looking gentlemen who dress nice and wear expensive cologne with a lot of conversation to spare.... DONT BRING UR BROAD AROUND ME THEN.... [youtube]cSsEii5xkxk[/youtube] I might just cuff her for a week or weekend
sick ass ufc tonight..... I think hunt should have gotten the split but a draw is cool I guess.... no one lost esp not anyone watching there or on tv :P