the chitown sourkush thread


Well-Known Member
wooooooooooooooooooooo its hot has fuck outside...this one of them days when like 30 people gonna get shot.... [youtube]WQW14hMXR2A[/youtube]


Well-Known Member
pops... hows life man.. u still in oregan?
lifes good still in washington actually getting ready to do some nice traveling though. my seed stash is in storage.. so cant really help anyone there. ill try to be on more. its easier with a tablet :)


Well-Known Member
a couple pics got 3 unknown 2OG and 2 sour D all found in bags so hopefully i will get some females out of them just flipped lights to 12/12 four days ago they where in veg for 4 weeks got them under 400 watt hps also they are all in 3gal pots


Well-Known Member
Well i went and checked on things today and 1 of the sour D looks like it might be female not 100% sure yet and 2 of the others look like they might be males another couple days and ill know for sure what i got