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Hard not to love a Canuck...and a female one at that......... :):):)

Aw Thanks Twisty, at least a few guys around here stil like me. :mrgreen:

Feeling a bit between a rock and a hard place..................

I know that feeling very well Twisty. :roll:

I would be......The mods were set up for failure.:hump: Some people enjoy it, i doubt chiceh is one of them.....

I don't enjoy failure, just want less drama, fighting, bickering, and such to end. We all want Rollitup to be a great place to come. :mrgreen::peace:
Chiceh rocks, I was watchin her in action, and she was just so nice and cool the entire time. I would have lost my temper and gone Nazi on someone's ass.

I spent most of today thinking it was Wednesday. I was so excited to find out I'm closer to Friday than I thought.
Chiceh rocks, I was watchin her in action, and she was just so nice and cool the entire time. I would have lost my temper and gone Nazi on someone's ass.

I spent most of today thinking it was Wednesday. I was so excited to find out I'm closer to Friday than I thought.
well..just give us all a great big ol sloppy kiss........
Chiceh rocks, I was watchin her in action, and she was just so nice and cool the entire time. I would have lost my temper and gone Nazi on someone's ass.

Thanks, You rock too!. :mrgreen::peace:

I spent most of today thinking it was Wednesday. I was so excited to find out I'm closer to Friday than I thought.

Hey, it's Friday now, lol. bongsmilie
I still love ya chiceh:hump:

I would be......The mods were set up for failure.:hump: Some people enjoy it, i doubt chiceh is one of them.....

I never left!I just expanded my horizons.


and there is nothing wrong with that:peace:


Good idea..i think i might do that myself.

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