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no its a book thats been out i found out while flipping in the back of the last book and find me a DT avatar ! someone else is in the process of making me one but who knows if thats going to happen , and stoney imma need your name your number your address and the location of your bedroom window!
no its a book thats been out i found out while flipping in the back of the last book and find me a DT avatar ! someone else is in the process of making me one but who knows if thats going to happen , and stoney imma need your name your number your address and the location of your bedroom window!

Oh...are you talking about the short story...called something like "the sisters of El-something"? Because yeah, it's just a short story, not a book, and I already knew about it

Damn it, you got me all excited :sad:

I'm sorry seem like a swell kid...but I have a Jack rabbit. Can I get a hallelujah?:mrgreen:

I'll see your "hallelujah" and raise you a "praise jesus!"
Oh...are you talking about the short story...called something like "the sisters of El-something"? Because yeah, it's just a short story, not a book, and I already knew about it

Damn it, you got me all excited :sad:

I'll see your "hallelujah" and raise you a "praise jesus!"
how was the wedding???;);)
how was the wedding???;);)

Awesome. Definately one of the top 5 nights of my entire life. The ceremony was beautiful (for the money it cost, it BETTER be), the reception was fun as hell. "OPEN BAR!" was the phrase of the night.

I gave my toast. I decided to wing it, and it worked out. I made everyone laugh, and people kept telling me they loved my speech, so I'm happy with it :grin: As soon as my toast was over I went to one of the groomsmen, because I knew he had a flask or three on him. I needed something a little stronger after all that stress.

I've never had that much fun at a wedding. Probably because I've only been to weddings people who were a lot older than me, and usually only knew one side of the people there. My friend and her man are 23 and 28, so most of the people there were near my age, and I knew most of the people, and the ones I didn't know, it didn't matter, we got along anyways.

Great night. Partied hard and danced the night away.

And I caught the bouquet! :grin: WON the bouquet is more like it, because it was a battle. Not everyone made it out alive :neutral:
OK>>>none of the guys have the balls to ask, so I will...hope you're not offended enquiring minds wanna know...did ya get some ass?:D
Awesome. Definately one of the top 5 nights of my entire life. The ceremony was beautiful (for the money it cost, it BETTER be), the reception was fun as hell. "OPEN BAR!" was the phrase of the night.

I gave my toast. I decided to wing it, and it worked out. I made everyone laugh, and people kept telling me they loved my speech, so I'm happy with it :grin: As soon as my toast was over I went to one of the groomsmen, because I knew he had a flask or three on him. I needed something a little stronger after all that stress.

I've never had that much fun at a wedding. Probably because I've only been to weddings people who were a lot older than me, and usually only knew one side of the people there. My friend and her man are 23 and 28, so most of the people there were near my age, and I knew most of the people, and the ones I didn't know, it didn't matter, we got along anyways.

Great night. Partied hard and danced the night away.

And I caught the bouquet! :grin: WON the bouquet is more like it, because it was a battle. Not everyone made it out alive :neutral:
Lol...If I crossed a line, Wikid, I apologize....I'm onery...just tell me, Shut the fuck up, stoney....:mrgreen:

It's fine. I took a while responding because I didn't want to cross the line :grin: Especially not after I just accepted the Forum Rules and can't plead ignorance.

I typed a long response, then re-read it like the rules suggest, and I thought it might not*cough*...entirely appropriate :oops:

But I had a great time :grin::wink:
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