Well-Known Member
hows it going lacy.
what you up to now???.
what you up to now???.
I'll help you on this one because you may accept help better than Lacy. First and foremost, please never give this just be yourself advice again. This is advise you'll hear from someone who has no clue about women, seduction, and relationships. Honestly I have bad feelings attached to this saying from some looser cousins in law who repeat this phrase religiously. I'ts not your fault I know you've been hearing this phrase your entire life. You see being Big-Joey is not about just being myself. And it's certainly not about pretending to be someone that im not. It's about becoming the person that I want to be. It's about self-improvement and reaching my full potential. It's about feeling good, being happy, and learning new things. Let me ask you a question pandabear: Do you think that women subscribe to the just be yourself model? You tell me. They spend hours working on their hair, their makeup, their skin, and everything else imaginable before going out. They spend untold fortunes on clothes, shoes, accessories, diet pills, and anything else they can find to make themselves more attractive. I think your a smart intelligent person and Im not faulting you here. I grew up hearing the same nonsense. But, I've never been good at just accepting information, I rather question sally theres lots of throwup
i think u just gotta be yourself, you can be confident without being concieted, being humble shows confidence
I'll help you on this one because you may accept help better than Lacy.........................just leave me the fuck alone.
General comments I can accept BUT you are getting a little too personal for my comfort zone.
First and foremost, please never give this just be yourself advice again. This is advise you'll hear from someone who has no clue about women, seduction, and relationships. Honestly I have bad feelings attached to this saying from some looser cousins in law who repeat this phrase religiously. I'ts not your fault I know you've been hearing this phrase your entire life. You see being Big-Joey is not about just being myself. And it's certainly not about pretending to be someone that im not. It's about becoming the person that I want to be. It's about self-improvement and reaching my full potential. It's about feeling good, being happy, and learning new things. Let me ask you a question pandabear: Do you think that women subscribe to the just be yourself model? You tell me. They spend hours working on their hair, their makeup, their skin, and everything else imaginable before going out. They spend untold fortunes on clothes, shoes, accessories, diet pills, and anything else they can find to make themselves more attractive. Maybe the chicks you date
I spend time pampering myself but mainly for myself because it feels good.
Not to please the likes of you or any other man for that matter.
I think your a smart intelligent person and Im not faulting you here. I grew up hearing the same nonsense. But, I've never been good at just accepting information, I rather question it.![]()
I'll help you on this one because you may accept help better than Lacy. First and foremost, please never give this just be yourself advice again. This is advise you'll hear from someone who has no clue about women, seduction, and relationships. Honestly I have bad feelings attached to this saying from some looser cousins in law who repeat this phrase religiously. I'ts not your fault I know you've been hearing this phrase your entire life. You see being Big-Joey is not about just being myself. And it's certainly not about pretending to be someone that im not. It's about becoming the person that I want to be. It's about self-improvement and reaching my full potential. It's about feeling good, being happy, and learning new things. Let me ask you a question pandabear: Do you think that women subscribe to the just be yourself model? You tell me. They spend hours working on their hair, their makeup, their skin, and everything else imaginable before going out. They spend untold fortunes on clothes, shoes, accessories, diet pills, and anything else they can find to make themselves more attractive. I think your a smart intelligent person and Im not faulting you here. I grew up hearing the same nonsense. But, I've never been good at just accepting information, I rather question it.![]()
im not saying only be yourself, you obviously have to market yourself to attract the opposite sex, but you shouldnt act like somone your not becuase people can see through that
like pretend your a chicken sanwich, sure your bein yourself a chicken sanwich but oh!! whats this?, a hot cross bun comes strutin along! bam!! throw some mayo on your sanwich add a lill salt and pepper maybe even a tomato if your fellin lucky, and bam!! next thing you know the hot cross bun got glaze all over itand is nibblein on your chicken meat
but you are still a chicken sandwich at heart.....see but if you go see that hot cross bun come along and u run off and throw some meat sauce on ya to make yourself look like a hamburger then the buns gonna run away once she gets a closer glimce of the slimy grease all over you chicken meatyep
and now the buns are not glazed, and nobody is happy
now its true, she could leave you for another chicken sanwitch one day. maybe even god forbid a fried chicken sandwich, but hey, let her go with that fried fucker, hes unhealthy anyway
you be glad later when you meet a a new grilled chicken lovin french eclairand she thinks those other fried guys are nasty
he's just gonna say he has ALL the grilled chicken lovin' elairs already
Sorry Lacy, I may be a bit too honest for you. Would you like for me to just tell you what you want to hear or mabey just fabricate the truth? For some reason women never approve of meWhich is perfect because It creates a certain thing called tension between us. And what I do with this tension is purposely create even more tension. Women need these emotions that I give. Its like a soap opera or romantic book novel. Why do you think women love soap operas: because it creates tention, then increases this tension, then solves this lingering tension only to respark it so you'll come back to see the sequel.
Not to be cocky but I could screw anyone of you women easily. I just dont like the emotional attachment thats involved with it. I'm thinking about putting up a pic of myself with half my face blurred. I guarantee Im hotter than 98% of guys on here.
wow sally theres lots of throwup
i think u just gotta be yourself, you can be confident without being concieted, being humble shows confidence
im not saying only be yourself, you obviously have to market yourself to attract the opposite sex, but you shouldnt act like somone your not becuase people can see through that
like pretend your a chicken sanwich, sure your bein yourself a chicken sanwich but oh!! whats this?, a hot cross bun comes strutin along! bam!! throw some mayo on your sanwich add a lill salt and pepper maybe even a tomato if your fellin lucky, and bam!! next thing you know the hot cross bun got glaze all over itand is nibblein on your chicken meat
but you are still a chicken sandwich at heart.....see but if you go see that hot cross bun come along and u run off and throw some meat sauce on ya to make yourself look like a hamburger then the buns gonna run away once she gets a closer glimce of the slimy grease all over your chicken meat
and now the buns are not glazed, and nobody is happy
now its true, she could leave you for another chicken sanwitch one day. maybe even god forbid a fried chicken sandwich, but hey, let her go with that fried fucker, hes unhealthy anyway
you'll be glad later when you meet a new grilled chicken lovin french eclairand she thinks those other fried guys are nasty
Most people have found someone in their lives that they look up to. This person is considered there role model and has certain personality traits that they admire. Many people look up to me because I am considered a Alpha-male. And the qualities that I have which makes me an alpha male include leadership, good conversation skills, a great sense of humor, I also seem to have a choice of any woman I desire. People naturally follow me because I seem to know where im going. They feel secure in any decision I happens to make. And I have become my own role model. I've been trained as a warrior to succeed in overcoming any obstacles that happen to lie in my path. Having said that, personally I have no fun just walking up to girls and simply asking them out. Usually, I give them a reason aside from my good looks to want to go out with me. I know that women are much more likely to let feelings and emotions determine their actions and moods. In my experience women put more weight on what they feel than what they think. Their feelings are the most important, putting rationality and logic on the back-burner. There feelings are never rational, they don't make sense, and they certainly aren't logical. The only probably I might have with a women is It may be difficult for her to open up to me because she feels I dont understand her. We've all been in this situation where you thing your helping, but somehow you say the wrong thing and it does her no good. I don't
rationalize my girlfriends feelings like I did with lacy because I don't want her to feel Im not understanding. I don't want to make her feel inferior to me and bad for letting her emotions get out of control. So I rather just listen to what she says and sympathize and really pay attention to her feelings, and know they are feelings and have no rational basis and I can't get her to think her way out of them.
or "myself and I need to get a room"
lol, sorry, I'm high