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OMG. In all seriousness...I would love to just use a man for sex....
and just take full advantage of him all night long.....
I'd be doing everything to the dude....:shock:

I fantasize about it often:-|
Wanna fuck is the only pickup line I have ever used. It works 99 percent of the time. You should see their faces light up when you tell them you just want to use them for sex.
OMG. In all seriousness...I would love to just use a man for sex....
and just take full advantage of him all night long.....
I'd be doing everything to the dude....:shock:

I fantasize about it often:-|

Turn this girl over """"SHE IS READY""""" I'd Bet 10 k she is dripping.......
I wonder if cyber sex is considered cheating?
what do you guys think?
not that i have tried it but know of people that say it is really fun.
your better off just pulling one off , you'll feel so much better .. Wish I could help you but Im in a committed relationship. and even cyber sex is crossing the line imo... but yea do it what do you have to loose?
i wish woman would just let thier husbands cheat

im still workin on it with my wife. aint worked yet:shock::mrgreen:

but its like the punishment for gettin married is u can never sex any other person even though u will want to all the time,

whats the deal with that?

as long as my wife doesnt cheat on me that is sounds like a good idea:mrgreen:

Why don't you have another woman join you both, then it's not cheating, lol. :hump:
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