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Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I know, right! Before I knew it, I had rated like 50 peckers just cuz each one was just a little bit different!
OMG! I can't lie that well. :roll:
Holy F*cK......I had no idea I even liked porn...........:hump:

Oh this is like...............:shock::shock::shock: I didn't know guys had such big ones.


New Member
Oh my GAWD. I wanna see one going into ...
you know...:oops::oops::oops:

Oh this is BAD!!!!

But heck its our chick den and if guys don't wanna read it they don't have to....

you're an evil woman...

I think I love you.:mrgreen:
I know, right! Before I knew it, I had rated like 50 peckers just cuz each one was just a little bit different!


Well-Known Member
As long as they don't click the links,they shouldn't care. And if they DO click the links....:spew:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
If you're worried about cookies,guys, get winpatrol. It's free and it gets rid of cookies. So does CC cleaner.All the stuff I use for spyware and antivirus is free.
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