The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

mr west

Well-Known Member
Looks like ive been censored, my sig and avi lol my avi said fuck you you fucking fuck riu, im surprised it lasted as long as it did lol with my breeders sig too lol


Active Member
lol stupid i dont know why they do that... forums is supposed to be for adults even tho is more like all teenagers.. easy to sort thru threads tho.. so many morons.. even me sometimes..

mr west

Well-Known Member
well thats me aswell so four of us so far im sure theres a few more. My next door neighbour seems to have just bought a sub and is playing stupid bassy music with it turned up too fucking high man. I dunt want to get intro a sub war with him cus thatll make me as bad as him. Might have to send the princess round to tell em to wind it in a bit.


Well-Known Member
Oh man.... that reminds me a story. One night I was in a big fight with my girlfriend (years ago) and just happened to be the same night the guy in the next apartment was playing loud bassy music. I was already in a really bad mood and hit the wall a couple times. He turned it down when I did. A couple hours later we were trying to go to sleep and still fighting, I was really really pissed at this point. All of a sudden, don't know if there were explosions in the movie the dude next door was watching or if he turned something on that he didn't know it was so loud. Whatever, he started making all kinds of noise and I snapped. Stormed to his door and pounded like the fucking cops. Vented all my frustration with the girlfriend on this poor guy. He looked freaked out, like who is the crazy dude at my door.

The next morning I wanted to apologize, but was too embarrassed.

Best to send the Mrs.

EDIT: I think rasclot said he's going too.


Well-Known Member
My wife and I tag team all the time. We know each others strengths and weaknesses and use it to our advantage all the time. Sometimes she's the concerned mother or the pissed off wife, sometimes the sweet and gentle "you should be happy you got me and not my husband" chatty Cathy. Me? You're gonna wish you got the Mrs.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Lgp sorted it with out me saying anything lmao. She jus kn9ocked and asked em to turn it down lol and they did, cool beans lol. well today is celebrate a terrorist day lol good old guy fawkes


Well-Known Member
Me and ma alter ego will be there, along with his schizophrenic other (j/k btw, don't want to upset any mentally unstable person/people)....but all 3 of us will be there, lol.


Active Member
dst what a joker..LOL! ya'll have fun and good luck BreedersBoutique i hope you kick some serious ASS! see ya next year at the Spannabis Cup..with all 15 of my personalities.. cheerz