yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay pornography... of my favourite kind lol.
true real porn dont do much for me i figure why watch when you can make your own easy enough....
lmfao.... i remeber this on time at band camp... well it ws my cousins house lol anyhoo
everyone piked and me and the missus at the time were sitting there, anyhooozers after browsing through the covers we seen an ok looking one and chucked it on.
you know how theres times when the covers are deceiving...... well this was one of those. the movie was jam packed full of chicks getting bumped up the bootyhole. after a little i turned the movie off and we started watching another one... well long story short i think the last one got the missus at the time thinking... anyhoo by the time i finished another dring the fouplay was on and BAM the question, she wanted to try it... well its not exactly the first thing id chooseto do but i figure fuck it the lady gets what whe requests.... with limits of course.. no double dude one chick action lol. though nearly did that onceto but there was no frangers adnd i startedsobering up, it was right about when my friend stuck it in her ass that i just clicked this is too much andhad to bail lmfao.
anyhoo yeah it wassome funny shit ehy back on track my cousin came in realised what was going on, quickly grabbedanother drink and with a nice abrubt continue he left, but yeah that was a nigt i wont forget in a hurry lol. actually both are lmfao.
moral of the story be careful what pornos ya watch, or at leasst be informed lol. bud pornrocks lol.. least this way if the missus gets any ideas theres a chance i can either be stoned or weed related lol. chained up whilst she tickled me with a nice sized bud or leaf and then BAM ITS ON
god damn what a shit dribble that was lol
with a bit of luck it will be some fine smoke though westy