The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese


Well-Known Member
too right old parts, nowt worse when workmen are on your roof terrace and your filter is fukked, and one of em say's...I can smell weed growing...a LOT of weed!!!!!

Oh eh, gulp.....


Well-Known Member
Mornin lads plants are moving house today not lookin forward to it:( just sat in my new house In my chill out room (yes I've got a smokin/chill out /Xbox room all for me lol) smokina fat Tahoe on a freezing cold floor with no furniture yet but I love it hope every1 has a great Sunday :) Ras


Well-Known Member
Mornin lads plants are moving house today not lookin forward to it:( just sat in my new house In my chill out room (yes I've got a smokin/chill out /Xbox room all for me lol) smokina fat Tahoe on a freezing cold floor with no furniture yet but I love it hope every1 has a great Sunday :) Ras
Never fun moving ops, but sounds like a nice place with yer own space to chill. Sit in one spot long enough and youll warm up the floor there lol. Have a good one mate.


Well-Known Member
Plants moved successfully :) not without stinking the block of flats out lol but it's done 2 weeks til choppy chop!:)
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mr west

Well-Known Member
Just planted 8 livers surprise, the surprise is they could be chronic or they could be selfed lol. Knowing livers they prolly chronic lol. Will will see in time but there was only 8 s33ds so if theres anything worth having itll be in this lot lol


Active Member
carbon filter is essential in the last few weeks of the cheese. hmmmmm cheese.
Even with just 1 plant? sorry, but I am a lil ignorant. I have never grown anything but the crappy seeds found at the bottom of a cheep bag. This is my first clone, and should make my other crap look like grass clippingsDSC01177.JPGDSC01186.JPG

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Just planted 8 livers surprise, the surprise is they could be chronic or they could be selfed lol. Knowing livers they prolly chronic lol. Will will see in time but there was only 8 s33ds so if theres anything worth having itll be in this lot lol

speaking of the chronic, the lad in Laos was asking about the flower time on them, his are looking almost ready at 7.5 weeks!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i'd be incredibly surprised if they were selfed from the livers westy.

the loas fella is sending pics, i'll post when they arrive chief.

mr west

Well-Known Member
yeah these smell ofm orasnges when growing and sort of soilish dank when smoked lol. I hope the livers/chronics pop and give me something, be cool to have massive chronic buds that taste liverish lol.