yeah its defnitly the same coz i remember wen i bought my first rhino filter the man in the hydro shop said that the matey that designed phat filter has died n his wife was goin thru a legal battle to keep the name or sumthin but had to change it to rhino not sure how true that was know i was thinking that is the case myself
Hey Westy hows it going! Sound like a nice little breeding project, should be able to pull some killer genetics out of that soup. Did you germ the jdb's? Germ rate on mine was very low....I ended up with 3 out of however many it was that I started with, 2 females and a boy. The females are slightly different with one seeming to be more hardy than the other. Got 5 of them a couple of weeks in.So i planted 2x jdb romulans and 2 x chronic bud and 2 x psycho killer f1's hoping to make some psycho killer bk cross to the jtr and some rom chron.
Interesting, think I'll do that....been toying with the idea. Seems like a more efficient way to do it when you have a lot of untested crosses. Thanks!I find running them straight into 12/12 gives you a nice idea of whos the strongest of the bunch. Backcross should be fun, lol. Lemon pledge anyone.
I'm thinking that my place reeks like weed too but I canna usually smell it either lolWhy i'm a touch worried, i don't smell anything, i can stick my head in my cupboard and not smell muchi've been holding off on some livers crosses i was sent, not sure if it's wise to plant em
Well I'm thinking it's not the princess that misses the toilet when she pees hehe. Good news on the Rom!! I have only smoked a couple of bowls of mine because it was so seeded but it's definitley a good smoke for painyeah im bleaching the bathroom floor yay me lol. Jus stopped for a cheese and pickle roll and a nice cup of tea. Im shocked 1 of the roms has popped aftyer what u guys were saying. The seedling was a little confused and came up arse backwards, that was soon remedied and now is the second tallest out he 3 thats popped so far
There's a dose of reality ; !)6 weeks tomoz lol