The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
fair play oh cheese father but i'm thinking i already know what the out come is gonna be. good luck mate, not that u'll need it me old china ;)

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info earlier my friend. Clarifies things lol.

Got an easy day today garden wise, sun's out and a bunch of young girls are sitting in the windows soaking it up...actually it's all of the new yins from your iland. Hey I must live under a rock ahaha...the 012 Olympics are going to be in London next year?!? Get ready for a circus!!


Well-Known Member
I know you hear about this happening, but it's like anything, I think it'll depend on the genetics of the plant.

Okay, plants do not have a brain as such. chemical reaction within cells I would imagine are what triggers the plant to carry out its cycles of life. One thing a mj plant does when it is nearing the end of it's cycle, as we all know to well, it throws a whole load of energy into the buds to ensure the seed crop is good, strong, viable, etc. they are genetically pre-dispossed to do that. What I cannot get my head round is why a plant that goes past 12 weeks or past it's recommended flowering period would just all of a sudeen produce male sacs and hermie when the plant itself has no conceivable idea that it has not produced seed. I truelly believe this is a trait that exists in plants with possibly a recessive hermaphrodite allele that only shows at certain times when the plant is dying off.

I have and I am sure others have lefts buds and fan leaves on plants to reveg. I never saw any signs of herm (and that particular example I think of was a headband) Other plants do this, the Romulan Timewarp I have just now is throwing out nanners out of calyxes that are swollen to buggery. But then that plant started it's life looking male then decided it wanted to be a girl..classic to herm after a certain period of flower.

If we used the example of plants continuing to receive sunlight and energy in nature, then surely they would all just be throwing out male sacs unless they were farmed....some chance of that happening, haha. Anyway, I just think there are a lot of holes in that theory and just wanted to share my stoned though Deep Blue/Livers joint after a ruby murray and a choco cup cake, thank you very munchingly.

if you let it go for an extended period of flowering (12+ weeks) would it not hermie to try and pollinate itself to continue the genetics?


Well-Known Member
I think plants can tell when they are going to die and some might try to self preserve. I don't know a lot about that subject but I would think it to be possible. Whats crazy to me is how plants that are flowering in crappy light for a few weeks and then get good light basically start flowering all over again. Its happened to me 2 times now. This grow with the messed up bulb and the grow I tried to use just LEDs and then added an HPS with about 3-4 weeks left in flowering.

exodus mission

Well-Known Member
hey all,

whats good,

i must say the old ghs cheese was shit i hope for there rep this is the real thing im sure it is but i will wait and see......;-)

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Yeah you know me lol, must have been bored at the time. Just planted 4 dog seeds and 1 og seed, another og still in the paper towel.

That's a lota weed brudder haha...that's why we grow our own. Catch ya on the flip side westy : !)

mr west

Well-Known Member
you're allowed to take a breathe without smoke in it, unless you live in Los Angeles.

Or London lol, one of th ereasons we moved out of london was the polution lol. Now im in the country where i can smoke as much as i can stuff down my neck. Happy days bt not for long lol