i necked about 10 ml of tincture earlier and everything is sureal at the min very strange but cosey and safe lol
Way to go Westy!! I'll be there soon lol
LOL- xmas over now

will have to change avatar soon lol. Hows the brownies going?
Brownies came out quite nice hon! Want ta share a couple

Slow simmered 1/4 oz of hash in a stick of butter for a half hour and made 14 brownies. Had a couple last night and just finished a couple more a little while ago, should be a nice afternoon,,,nowhere that I have to go, beautiful snowy day up here, just finished a little trimming and smoking some finger hash and bb. Well I have a bowl of it packed lol not really smoking it though!
You know Agent, when you change your avatar they have to be better than the last one,,,thats the law baby! Lovely dark hair, beautiful eyes and gorgeous legs and boobs you have Agent, pm me if you would like