The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

mr west

Well-Known Member
well that big long cola is an 8 week headband so its only got maybe 2 or 3 or 1 weeks left to go if that lol specialy if i keep smoking how i am


Well-Known Member
Show us the blues Fred i wanna see how its looking compared to how mine was at 2 weeks. Is it really dark green? but not shiny like the cheese.

mr west

Well-Known Member
thge light had been off a good couple of hours, thats why they all droopy hey was asleep lol all for osca and hes not even seen em lmao

mr west

Well-Known Member
jus gota letter from the counsil, i got an annual gas boiler check on the 7th of june lol. My living room tent might have to come down b4 then lol


Well-Known Member
I'm outa my stinking pit now, they look cute, all sleepy lol is that cheese, co and blues in there
Don't bother answering that q in you other thread now.

mr west

Well-Known Member
in that tent is 2x cheese 2x psychosis 1x querkle and 1x liver/blues. Wont be long before i can set up the 600w over them lol.

mr west

Well-Known Member
yeah i Know and i aint changed my carbon filter for well over a year lol, still works tho for the min lol


Well-Known Member
I just wanna celebrate,,teah, yeah, another day of Living...YEAH

78 today boys had a good start bad middle, good last 8 holes..Got me swing back!!!!!!!
Just goes to show ya, I 3 putted 3 holes and four putted 1 hole. if I just two putt those holes I shot 74..Guess thats why they call it DOPE

mr west

Well-Known Member
Well like i say i never hit a ball till september lol. If i hit the ball every time i swing for it im having a good day. Im not of the standard where i keep score, i only count the ones that i connect with lol.