ehy hows it going guys, thanks its good to know i was missed too lol. its funny but i miss u guys when i dont get much of achance to get on here... least the threads stay on topic ehy lol.
not much really guys, last day in court in about two weeks. operation sometime after october i have one more meeting with a specialist to get booked in. have hwever managed to get my moneys back from the dog cunts hehe. now ill just have a nice little fine to pay if i dont go so well in court or prefferably a little one if it does. i cant be fucked bullshitting anymore i admit freely ima medical user and they can suck my left nut as its never going to change so if all goes well ill only get charged with implement and half a gram. there trying to go me for cultivation. got me a barrister so well see how she goes though i think i could do better as she doesnt listen much... oh well if she pisses me off ill fuck her off and finish myself or get the real family lawyer i dunno.. but if i looks like fuckall i dont really give a shit ive been paying these cunts for ages as soon as i clear one another appears

i gotta breadk his cycle lmfao.
they tried to bribe me, itimidate me and when it didnt ork they realised there little kindergarden bully tactics wont work on me theyve gotten cheekier... fuck i cant wait to move lol. (i got pulled up this weekend to lol). meh its a long story and i wont bore yas with the details atm bt i wil however see how the case goes and report back.. hehe may even have a few cool tricks for you guys that i dnt mind to keep in mind

it doesnt get to me to much as i like being a cheeky cunt to them hehe (tastefully naturally) but ill admit theres been many times where i was about to go for it and would have considered the taze worth it lol.
hiya mate, always miss u on the boards these days. Sort it out will ya?
heehe again been misssin the chats too westy lol. umm should be sorted soon.
ive been on here a bit lately to see what yas have been up ta but i always seem to be on when your not lol. pus i been setting the girls laptop up. i tried to use that but it takes getting used to from a 22" screen to a 14/15" lol
my appologies guys ill make more of an efforet lol