The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

mr west

Well-Known Member

they getting too big for my veg room need top flower and clone dem fat ass bitches

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
it was like my first big toke of the day and that was the only way i felt i could convey my presence. no other way was fit enough. call me eccentric

the are indeed looking rather healthy and AVE IT YOU SHLAG (in the sense that they don't let shit get in the way of growing> this is more jointtage speak now :P)

mr west

Well-Known Member
u shlag, u blew the wistle on the blag, you shlagg! Its all good and well talking bollocks but can u dribble to back it up?

mr west

Well-Known Member
PHATT? Cheers guys , Ill have to get soime decent pics of the buds i have growing for inspection. It'll be laters today or mondays as we got a well busy weekend cat sitting lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
we'v jus nipped home to feed my animals lol. Its non stop this weekend jus as well i aint got much to smoke or half of it wouldnt get done lol. There was a news report saying how rubbish the royal mail is the other night ffs jus wot we need lol, fingers crossed the morrow D.

mr west

Well-Known Member

the tent with 1 cheese and 1 psychosis and 1 dep purple and one querkle. The dp and q are 7 weeks on friday and the cheese and co will be 5. Dunno if any one remebers but i tried to fertilize a few buds with some dp male polen few weeks back and it seens only the querkle took, tel me which buds u think have seeds ok.




Well-Known Member
Dripping with resin mate. I didn't nitice any sign of seeds when i tried and and the buds i jizzed on didn't give me any seeds but i found a seed in another bud ??????
That looks frigging chocka for having 4 plants, less is more lol