The Cheese: My First Grow: INDOOR CFL


So sorry u guys, been out of internet for sooooo long. the ladies are Good but alot has happend since we last spoke you guys. here's pix from supposed 2 be last update so they are a lil prettier than this now..

The Mid plants, well 1 of them turned out 2 be a male so i got rid of that 1. Lisa is still going though.
The Cheezy Sisters..
Motz 5Weeks Flower:
Peppa 5Weeks Flower:

Lisa 5 Weeks Flower:

The ladies once moree..


molasses is a good, quick source of energy for the various forms of microbes and soil life in a compost pile or the soil.
For gardeners, blackstrap molasses (unsulphered) is the best choice because it is the most nutritionally valuable of the various types of molasses since it contains the greatest concentration of sulfur, potash, iron, and micronutrients from the original cane material. So it's not just the sugar content that makes molasses useful, but its trace minerals.

Molasses is also an excellent chelating agent, which means that it can help convert some chemical nutrients into a form that's easily available for organisms and plants to use.

The blackstrap molasses (unsulphered) is a liquid molasses that can be used alone, or as a component in both sprays and soil drenches, and can be an important addition to your organic fertilization program.

I just copy pasted that...If you foliar feed with molasses it helps the pours open on the leaves for more CO2 absorption.


Active Member
:bigjoint:Looks Pretty good... And yes 5ft for a CFL is way to far lol... It should be more like 12inch or even less then that..Good Luck


damn! those are my main problems. the door to outside lets in light during the early day through the cracks. and its been on a wacky scheduale because the timer has been acting funny. its been more light than anything.


Those are my main problems. in the early hours of the day light slips in from outside through the cracks of the door. and The timer has been acting up so they have been on more light than anything.


bro gotta fix those light leaks! ANY light hitting that plant messes up the dark cycle. any branches hit with light may hermie and that would be quite a bummer...i would suggest pinning a blanket up over the door or some other kind of "quick fix". that definetly needs to be adressed, you should at least be seeing preflowers by this time.

buddy bud

Well-Known Member
El420 got it right get fix fast and just count the five weeks as veg but one plus you will have some monsters lol and make sure you have 3 gal or bigger pots full of soil it will be worth it in the end!!!!!


i am a noob myself bro. i totally forgot to praise you for the hard work invested thus far. niiiice plants man. im supremely impressed that this is your first grow. i hope they all have big juicey "pussies" and repay you for your hard work. -eli


alright. well the girls are looking pretty good if you ask me, i pulled up Lisa because i wanted something to smoke by christmas so i just hung her upside down and im gonna w8 for the leaves to dry. (p.s) the leaves that fell off of all the plants so far had sum thc in them because i smoked them out of curiosity. The Cheese is still going well.. I had Cut the Fan leaves off of them so the nutes can go 2 the buds instead of the leaves. and now i have the leaves drying as well. but i cant wait til they're ready.



lisa before i pulled her up..

Turns out she went Hermie.


Tomorrow morning i will be setting them to a 12/12 light cycle. Feed Nutes, and Molasses. i plan to 12/12 for two weeks and then Chop...they have to come down before feb. they are doing pretty good btw


Well-Known Member
I dont mean to burst your bubble, but your clearly doing something wrong here. That "Lisa" does not even have a single calyx on her, so i cant comprehend why you would chop her down to smoke her leaves, which definitely isnt what you want to be doing. On another note, if your plants are 8 weeks flowering, you should have lots of fat juicy nuggets that would be nearly done. At the top it says your 8 weeks flowering, at the bottom you say your about to put them into 12/12; I dont think you have the right idea when it comes to light cycles.

Looking back at your thread, you have plants 6 weeks old that arent even on their second leaf set. If this isnt ringing any bells for you, i dont know what is.

During vegatative state you want 18 hours on, 6 hours off.
During flowering state you want 12 hours on, 12 hours off.

either you have some really serious light leaks, or you need to do more research.
Best of luck.


Well-Known Member
Doing a little more reading, theres only one piece of advice i can give you-


You have a serious case of not doing your homework. You have no clue about light cycles, plant cycles, all around pretty much everything.
You clearly have read absolutely nothing when it comes to growing.
Please read basic growing instructions and tips before wasting more of your time.

"Look before you leap."


watever. The weeks are right about age, but they grew slow. but hey i dont pay this guy no mind. im a Newbie, i have budds on my Tree, and to me? i believe i did an outstanding job. and just for that im going 2 make sure i give you an update 2mar. an imma show you my beauties. :)#ChiefingLikeAMarley


unfortunately i cant upload pics because someone stole my cord that i connect to my phone and the computer. ;/ sorry guys. i had the pix taken and everything. but imma try another way.