The Car Talk Thread

4 wrench question: My wife's '07 Civic is making some strange sounds from the fornt end, like wound up springs. It happens mostly at acceleration and just before stopping, a lot when turning. Sometimes it makes the sound, others times, nothing. Sometimes it is a light ting, other times a loud clang. I just jacked it up to see if something was stuck in the CVs or wheels and saw nothing. When I spun the tires it did it on both sides. I'm guessing something in the diff. Ideas?

sounds like the cv, constant velocity, joint clayton.. if it makes like umm, kind of like a ticking noise, especially when you're turning, then the cv joint is the problem ime..
Just hit 100k, mostly highway. Odd they would go at the same time, but I like that better than the diff gears. How long do you think I have? I ask because I also want to do the timing belt at the same time, and some other 100k maintenance. Thanks again.
Just a thought, as I turn one, I cannot see the other wheel. Is it possible as I turned one it also turned the other wheel so it made the noise? Didn't think about it like posi-trac
Just hit 100k, mostly highway. Odd they would go at the same time, but I like that better than the diff gears. How long do you think I have? I ask because I also want to do the timing belt at the same time, and some other 100k maintenance. Thanks again.

oh shit, no real rush imo, not that it's a smart thing to do, but i know my sister drove around in her civic for what seemed like ages with bad cvs.. there' a side street that runs right into the front of my house, and she'd always park out front, and when she left, she'd cut the wheel all the way to make the turn, and click click click click click all the way down the block she went..
It does sound like cv's, the,diff would whine if there was somthing going on with the gears, does it slip at all? Or just the odd noises? Also jack it up so wieght is off wheels and try pull the wheel towards you ( | to \ if that makes sense?) of there is some movement its more likely your cv's, like racerboy said its not something that you HAVE to do before you drive it next but things will go down hill.. Do civics have an inner and outer cv?
60-65 all had the three tail lights on each side, in 66 they switched to one light per side.

ill post a pic my budies got it i told him to send it ill post it a few year back like 15 years back but im in it ill post mine was an 64ss impala.. ill post for shure i not shure to tell you the truth i got it on a deal we switch out my moms old ford truck to some biker family they didnt like the impala they were more hot rod folks its crazzy cuz they seen my mom driving her old truck and they stoped us and we traded i never put the engine in and we sold it to my budy he hooked it up but i still got the pics after he got it running.. he still has it.. but ill get him to send the pics..
Yeah, two piece. No slipping. Is it easy to R&R? Should I stay OEM or is there a better replacement?

the two big things the diff will do is whine or slip or both so its not the diff i thought so, haven't fucked around with to many honda's (I've done my course to be a mechanic just gotta find an apprentice ship, the old mans a grease monkey and has taught me heaps) though but there wouldn't be to much difference, aftermarket would probably be a bit more expensive seems as anything aftermarket would be 'performance' parts for the nippers to rice up there civics lol they'd be more heavy duty but if your wife is belting up and down the highway to get to work and back then factory issue would be fine.. Like i said I've never touched a honda but i help the old man replace inner cv's on a Mitsubishi and it was the hardest thing in the world, helps if you know what your doing.. Google it and really take note of what everything looks like before touching it, take photos on your phone so you know how to put it back together
CV axles are normally pretty easy to do.....unbolt the 1 large axle nut in the middle of the hub, unbolt the lower control arm, pull the hub towards you while tapping on that axle in the middle of the hub and it'll pull away enough that you can pull or pry out the axle. each side should only take about 30 mins or so.
Just hit 100k, mostly highway. Odd they would go at the same time, but I like that better than the diff gears. How long do you think I have? I ask because I also want to do the timing belt at the same time, and some other 100k maintenance. Thanks again.

Let me know when and where you find a timing belt in an 07 Civic.
So, as long as the teeth fit it's good?

yes sir. just make sure they are seated in the transmission well or you'll leak trans fluid. you might have to tap the transmission end of the axle lightly with a hammer or mallet to make sure they are seated well but make sure the splines are in right before hammering away lol.
They don't have a belt or chain?

should have a belt but not 100% on that year. if you cant find the timing NEED to take it to someone who knows what they're doing. timing is NOT something you can fuck up on. 1 tooth off and its possible to destroy a engine.