Active Member
dam son sounds like a movie lol you didnt get charged wit anythin?
Gotta give you respect for saying it was your grow, and not the dude with the name on the lease.I was popped(snitched on) in '93 with 3 mamas and 32 just dropped clones..........because there was no evidence of sales.....they didn't push for cultivation........they wanted me to drop a dime on someone else, but I said I wouldn't even if I could and I couldn't because I didn't know anyone.....I grew my own........they wrote me a ticket for possesion of 4-8 ozs and I pled down to possesion of less than an oz....$75 fine, $50 court cost....and the cost of the equipment they took......I should point out that they boxed up the mamas, then left them I knew they didn't have jack in evidence...the clones would have died and weighed nothing......we left the mamas boxed for several days to be sure the cops didn't come back and they never really recovered from it....we did continue the strain but mites killed 'em shortly after we moved to a new site.......
If I had money for a lawyer, I could have beat the charges wasn't my house..a buddy was letting me grow at his place.....I just happened to be there tending the garden when the cops busted through the door(illegal search) and I took the ticket instead of them busting my buddy.....
Never give up your rights....don't consent to search..if they have probable cause they won't ask. Don't snitch on others to save your ass. And don't throw loud parties at your grow house.....or fight with your girl....or anything else that gives them the right to enter the premises because a crime is in alarms either.....several grow shows have been busted due to breakins or smart, be safe.....
If my girl said she was gonna call the cops on me while Im growing, Id dump her ass in a flat second."Never give up your rights....don't consent to search..if they have probable cause they won't ask. Don't snitch on others to save your ass. And don't throw loud parties at your grow house.....or fight with your girl....or anything else that gives them the right to enter the premises because a crime is in alarms either.....several grow shows have been busted due to breakins or smart, be safe....."
most importent thing is to know your rights, the officer i dealt with(mentioned above) when i said he couldnt search me he punched me in the face and thrrew me to the ground,then cuffed me so he could exicute his Illegal search, the 3 times after i knew he gave 0shits about people's rights....
i know it's hard but everyone try to keep the grow and the girl away from eachther,my ex had the tendency to say "ill call the cops if...."whenever she was pissed off.stay safe all,no matter howmuch your caught with(IF and i hope not!!) "it's PERSONAL smoke" even if it's 100lb's your making persi. hash for the next wish i could afford that) and even if it's a lb grammed out, remember "i baught it like that" all persi, i hate that handing a joint to someone is trafficking...assholes...btw in my city___________ they recently made probible cause not legit becouse i cop would see someone buying papers and search them...things like if anyone does get pinched i hope you have a decent and respectible officer(s) to deal with,there are some out there..
i live right outside of dallas, tx..and i got busted today..gayest shit ever. i texted my friend to see if he wanted to go to a headshop in plano well then this other kid (kinda friends wit) asked me to take him to get an ounce of corn on the other side of town since were going out so i said w.e. lets do it. well i had brought my weed cause we were gonna roll and smoke to the store. the buyer couldnt link up wit the seller and we got lost and he kept saying ill be there soon so we drove around the area and i parked. we rolled up a blunt and as soon as i was gonna light it my friend goes "law" he passes us up and makes a U turn and i try to hide the blunt under my driver rug. he talks to us and he tells me to get out and says have yu smoked or do you smoke and i go no we dont smoke its a bad habit so he goes can i search yur car and i go no cuz yu need a warrant for that and he looked at me and got mad so he called bak up. he goes well if yu have any weapons or drugs in their im goin to call the k9 or i can search it and if i find something ill throw it away so i think about it and he goes to my car to ask the other people wats goin on..wen he ask bak up if he can get a k9 he goes NO its not on duty (my friend saw him say it) but i couldnt see since he was out of view (i sat on the curb). i just told him i had a blunt under my rug dats all. well he pulled my friend out to search more and was like yu rolled it huhh cuz yu left evidence (swisher guts on road) he lookd into my center counsel and found a baggie wit 4g's in small baggies so i told him i bought it like dat. his bak up was all cool didnt give a shit jus wantd to see wat was goin on dats all. the officer told them to get in the car and was like these baggies are 20 each right but told him i got it for $60 for all of it (left over from a quarter). he was like that looks like some low grade weed no hydro stuff (it looked like shit) but it was maui wowie and smelled fruity and sexy. i was like yu dont know wat good weed is huhh?? he made me stomp all my weed and blunt then got some info from me. then he was like im gonna be on your side of town next week. i did yu a favor so yu can do me one (wants me to snitch). i was like i dont know anyone over there who buys or sells (all my customers live by me) and the kid who sold to me lives in cali but comes here at times to bring good weed so yu cant catch him i bet. i also had a baseball bat (use it for lacrosse..simulate my shooting with the bats weight) and he was like dis is a felony also for carrying a club weapon around so he goes im gonna put dis in your trunk and my friend shakes his head because he used dat as an excuse so he can search my trunk also but it was too messy and smelly so he just felt around real quick..i hate cops like dat!!! we didnt do shit and dat kid fuked up stuff because none of that shit would have happened if he had the damn address cuz me and my friend was just gonna go to the headshop not go ask the laws to bust us..that was $80 gone and dat kid also had 2 warrants but the cop let us go..stupid damn day !!!
i hate it
Nice i second that. Paragraphs people.
I'd take paying a bribe over a conviction anyday. Cop sounds like a bit of a prick, but at the end of the day you're not in prison!ive been jacked for money and weed (4 times in 1 month,same officer) totaling about $900 and 8oz
most was the first time, was 5.5z's and around $400, the second time i had an oz and $80 & he took my bus pass?(that's right..buspass,i aint no
the 2nd last time was about 1 or 2 oz's and no $$,but last time he got me i only had a portion of my rent money($450) and was accused of "going to buy drugs"
i had stopped selling after the first time(he bankrupt my buisness,i only sold to friends/family to support my half-oz a day burning habits,lol)
i dont deal and dont plan on dealing again,i'll grow enough to smoke and save the hassle of paying more,ppl. trying to jack me,getting caught traveling to get it........
and to be clear, he never wrote anything down in his fancy little book ,i wasnt charged,he pocketed my stash and money infront of me.....dirty....but i still appreciat not being charged...& its weird becouse he comes to my work acouple times a week,awkward.....
other than that(that was the worst for me,it was about 2 years ago.)
before then i had been caught with weed afew time's but never charged they mainly take it and tell you next time to go far in a forest where they wouldnt be found, or (& often here)they let you keep your shit/ignore that they even saw me walking down the street smoking a j(very common here,im sure some places it be weird...)anyways i wish best of luck to everyone who wants to feel safe with a bag'o'cannabis in there pocket(whether for use or distribution)
PEACE & stay alert, stay safe
an oz of kind bud is 275-350 mids 110-150 schwag 45-100the consiquences in fl. seems rediculouse, and the penalties reflect in the price..i hear an oz is around $750?here it's 100-180 depening who you know,and the police are more lenient towards cannabis..but most the growers here that werent caught in the last 2 year either stopped or moved on....there's only acouple people who produce weight here and most charge up the ass bc. they know there's no competition($200oz and $2800lb's)...
i saw a vid of ppl. in florida that payed $300 for around 8g's and rolled it into 1 shitty looking blunt,smoked by more than enough people, i was sad for them,yet happy for just people growing plants, if it was legal the crime-factor would be dropped and it wouldnt be as connected to "gangs" and violence+alot safer for anyone who wants to buy 1 or 2 j's in a new city (new to them). and people who grow could feel safer from anyone with negative intentions.(countless people buy a gun becouse they cant rely on police(the "law's gat" lol) and this put's people at risk,im not a gun person,i enjoy shooting at inatimate objects(cans,55g drum,bush cars) but wouldnt shoot an animal unless i was dependant on the meat for survival.(i feel the need to point out i dont own any firearms,only shot a small rifle when i was 13. and onday alittle black pp7 (W.A.C.,made in france)it was old but fun i wouldnt mind owning a small peice like that for the cottage(only bring it while camping for long period of time in the middle of nowhere,incase of cougars or bears.ive had 2 scares before and wouldnt some mind on peice of mind if either decided to charged me)
PEACE people i typed way too much sorry,lol i am very stoned.after reading this i realized how sidetracked i can get
the consiquences in fl. seems rediculouse, and the penalties reflect in the price..i hear an oz is around $750?here it's 100-180 depening who you know,and the police are more lenient towards cannabis..but most the growers here that werent caught in the last 2 year either stopped or moved on....there's only acouple people who produce weight here and most charge up the ass bc. they know there's no competition($200oz and $2800lb's)...
i saw a vid of ppl. in florida that payed $300 for around 8g's and rolled it into 1 shitty looking blunt,smoked by more than enough people, i was sad for them,yet happy for just people growing plants, if it was legal the crime-factor would be dropped and it wouldnt be as connected to "gangs" and violence+alot safer for anyone who wants to buy 1 or 2 j's in a new city (new to them). and people who grow could feel safer from anyone with negative intentions.(countless people buy a gun becouse they cant rely on police(the "law's gat" lol) and this put's people at risk,im not a gun person,i enjoy shooting at inatimate objects(cans,55g drum,bush cars) but wouldnt shoot an animal unless i was dependant on the meat for survival.(i feel the need to point out i dont own any firearms,only shot a small rifle when i was 13. and onday alittle black pp7 (W.A.C.,made in france)it was old but fun i wouldnt mind owning a small peice like that for the cottage(only bring it while camping for long period of time in the middle of nowhere,incase of cougars or bears.ive had 2 scares before and wouldnt some mind on peice of mind if either decided to charged me)
PEACE people i typed way too much sorry,lol i am very stoned.after reading this i realized how sidetracked i can get
I can't beleave people on here complain about grammer and spelling. If you can't read it move on guys no need to put someone down after all this is a grow forum and not a english class