The Building...

Altair Everex

Active Member
alright, i got a big building, 24'x28', measured on the outside, so i figure i got 20'x24' of usuable space inside, but its made of ciderblocks with a wooden roof, so not good for keeping the cold out.

what i plan on doing is building a smaller building inside of it. this gives the advantage of being smaller for ventillation, heating and the like. also gives the advantage of being able to insulate the smaller building with actual insulation.

now the question, does anyone here know as to how i would go about building this inner building and insulating it so that there isnt a heat signature for helicopters that fly overhead with thermal imaging? like what materials and thickness of the walls and roof.

so far i plan on using 2"x4"s and plywood with insulation inbetween on all 4 walls, ceiling and floor(the its all on a concrete slab).

any help would be greatly appreciated in my efforts to not go to jail by thermal imaging
EVEREX... i really doubt you are oging to have a COLD problem if you use the entire space....

with 10,000 watts, you can heat up that room, even if it is 20 below outside :)
Sure I could tell you what I would do. Attach 1 x 3 furring strips to the inside of the outside walls. Attach Styrofoam Insulaton to the furring strips and tape of all the joints. This creates a 'dead air space' and adds insulation, r-9/ inch. You will want to run it up to the attic space. Insulate the attic space using rolls or Batts of insulation between the joists and then go the other direction across the top of the joists. Make sure you provide ventilation for the attic space seperate from the grow space. It would also be a good idea to insulate around the foundation. This can be done by digging around the outside and putting Styrofoam a few feet deep. Throw the dirt back up against it. Now that you have that done go ahead and build rooms inside the house. VV
Do not plan on insulating the floor if you do the other things I have suggested. Trust me on this one. I have a concrete floor in my room, and a floor drain. Wouldn't trade for anything less than a tile floor. The first time you have a resevoir leak you will thank me for that. VV
well, its not a house, its more like a barn i guess, no attic, just cinderblock walls and a slanted roof, the walls are about 15' high. the roof peak is around 20'. is there any way i can insulate the smaller rooms instead of the big one so its more cost efficient to start with? also, if i line the roof with aluminum, would that stop the thermal imaging?

i was thinking of building 8'x6' rooms. 1 table per room, 8'x4' table. all side by side down 1 wall.

we thought about shooting the chopper down, but they would just bring in a trooper chopper within a week, and besides, now they would be lookin for the person who shot it down(more attention). o, and im fresh out of heat seeking missles
well, if you're out of missiles, you can always just bury the building underground, which will totally eliminate the heat signature worries :)
Ok it has a shed roof. Sure you could just build rooms inside the barn. I would want at least 2' around the two ends and one side of a 4 x 8 table. VV build a ten by ten ft room there, either way doesnt matter yer gonna need a heater so mayb e ya can make it a little bit if money isnt an issue(when is it never) but, i'd use styrofoam for insulation, build the walls outta 6inch the ceiling use 1inch particle board(make sub woofer boxes out of it)..for infra red..if ya run lights 6pm to 6am wont have to worry but you'll likely veg wood for inside of walls, got drywall? on the outside i'd use that press board cheap and who could also just use black and white poly for the inner barrier for far as 10,000 watts aint nothin coverin that smart mega doesnt mean'll be red flagged inside a new york second and busted in a run two tables, 50 in each...grow em short and three 1000 watt bulbs on tracks...youll come away with better than 6 pounds every two months or it bigger add another table for it in the dirt....

and ya get yerself some germicidal lamps for smell dont put em in the room itself..outside