Ya I love these fucking smart pots bro
Were gonna be putting 6 in the ground next week next door to where I live (my girlfriends grandfathers house)
If he is comfortable with more than 6 well probably run some 10 gallon smarties.........................
20 gal. are a nice size, and just small enough to drag around if needed......10's can get small fast, esp. putting the girls out real early.......for example, i used a 10 gal as a test last year, but i cracked the bean on the 1st of july.....yielded 10 zips....that is where my zip/gal. pinnicle came from.......when ever you go container, the finished size of the plant must be realtive to the number of gallons.....imho.....good luck!....it just seems when folks ask me about switching to containers....the first thing that comes out of my mouth is....."start late"....don't let the plant overgrow its medium.....
Ya i would love to do 20 gallons i'm just trying to do something we'll be able to lift over the fence to put in my yard if for some reason it can't finish where its at.
I mean i guess i'll wait and do a late start on some seeds and depending on how much space we have to work with we'll do 10s or 20s, thats probably the best bet because right now we still need to get the main 6 in the ground first and then go from there.
Took some shots this morning, it started raining yesterday until now, but this weekend its supposed to be in the 80s so the girls will get a nice little jump start before summer really hits.
Alien OG is looking beautiful as usual
Heres the Vortex, this plants going in the ground for sure.
I didnt LST when I should have but it still looks great, might have to reinforce the branches where they meet at the V.
All the plants have now been sexed and transplanted, these are all females.
And heres a clone of Timewreck I made that seems very happy to be alive.
This is an Agent Orange clone I'm "main-lining", when you rub the stem it already has a citrusy smell to it.
Well off to put my 8 hrs in, till next time....Stay Lit!