The BubbleHead Gang


Well-Known Member
Im not saying anything is wrong with it. But i dont see the point of letting them soak in water before putting them in a wet paper towel. Wont they soak in the towel? I just dont see the difference


Elite Rolling Society
Im not saying anything is wrong with it. But i dont see the point of letting them soak in water before putting them in a wet paper towel. Wont they soak in the towel? I just dont see the difference

You can kill a seed, by drowning it. It is the water that softens it so it can pop, but if it pops in deep water, and stays in the deep water, it will drown. It has to have oxygen.

In a damp or moist or wet paper towel, and IF not in a puddle of water, it will successfully pop in 36 to 72 hours. BUT, if soaked for 8 hours first, then put in a towel, it will pop much faster. It is all about speed.


Well-Known Member
I am in the bubble head group. I just don't like the logo,no offense.

But small update.
Unknown Bagseed that thankfully is a confirmed female.

Pic looked fine on the cam, ohwell.

Indica in back and Sativa in front that is getting tall, hopefully not as tall as mommy.

Pics with Lights on.



New Member
Yes, that is a confirmed female! Don't like the logo, feel free to create your own or not. It's all good! We are the no drama group! LOL!


Well-Known Member
I got my 3 seedlings in my bubbleponics and i had three in soil, I think i am going to try to put the 3 in soil into my bubbleponics system they are 5 days old will it work if i am real careful? and i was told by a freind not to give any nutes for first 2 days after i put them in the bubble is that so? thanks for any help


New Member
I've done it before but with older plants. Just make sure you wash all the dirt off the roots gently, gently, gently. I'm assuming the roots are not that large at this point. Unless they have 2 sets of real leaves ( not the rounded one's that the plant used to open the seed) there should be no nutes in the BP system at this point. Are you going to split a rock wool cube or just lay the roots over hydrotron?

You using regular (non-fem) seeds? 6 females would get real crowded, real quick.


Elite Rolling Society
I had a newb with a strong lack in literacy skills post a Urine - Soil recommendation in my Bubbleponics Tutorial today??????


Well-Known Member
...he must have seen Nice Dreams too many times.

I had all 6 Jack berry seeds crack in less than 24 hours, 4 germinated and planted, the other two may show root by tonight before I go to bed.

Germed with damp paper towels on a plate, with a bowl over the plate...all sitting on Mom's old heating pad, Thanks Ma!


Active Member
So today I got home from work, and instead of my res smelling like shit, I had a pleasant surprise! My plants are exploding!!! I was INSTANTLY aware of new growth, they look like they've almost doubled in size since this morning!! The biggest one has roots poking out of all sides of the net pot. I'm attributing that to the fact that I did a full res change and let the net pots sit submerged in bubbly PH water for a while, since they were getting da stank. My new solution was higher in concentration than before, and I took the water level down a bit to encourage root searching. It worked!

Thanks guys! Bubbles all the wayyy


Active Member
just lay the roots over hydrotron?
Does that work with a bubbleponics system? How do you position the feeder tubes? I like the idea, I just received my Mistic Cloner and it can make the cutting root without any RW or peat. If anyone has any experience with just using the hydroton your input would be great.


New Member
That would be me. When I first started, being a former dirt farmer, I grew my seeds in some 20 oz solo cups filled with a local nursery potting soil. Grew them out to about 3 nodes and then my system arrived. What I did was gently tap off as much dirt by emptying the cup and letting the dirt fall through my hands. I them rinsed the roots with a slow trickle of water as not to damage anything. I loaded my hydrotron about 1/3 cup full, placed the feed tube at that point and then positioned my former soil plant in the center of the pot and sort of draped the roots over the hydrotron. I filled the rest of the net pot one pebble at a time while centering my plant until the net pot was full. I put a cover on it and taped it down and it was off to the races.

If you want to use a rock wool cube all you have to do is slit it top to bottom and insert the clone and load in the system as normal.

By the way I gave it a couple of days to set up with no nutes for the first couple of days. Then I went 1/4 strength for the next week. I was cautious back in the day! LOL!


Active Member
Great info MC, if you do it like that with the feeder tubes do they need to remain in the same place until you remove them permanently? Because I removed my tubes weekly when i drain and replenish and press them back up against the RW again. If i had no RW I maybe forsee a problem with repositioning the tubes.


New Member
I'd leave them alone until the roots are well into the res. Then I would remove the pump and pull on the feeder lines. If they were difficult to remove (root had grown strongly around them) I just disconnected from the hub and let them hang for the rest of the grow.


New Member
Trickle is better but if you want to run it full bore add one more layer of pebbles or position the feeder tubes through the bottom slot on the net cups. I even stuck a small pebble right in front of the feed tube end so that the water kind of splashes on the roots. Amazing what I tried when I didn't know shit!