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Labs Dexter

Well-Known Member
humbolts 707 is a bad ass strain very nice,watch out for the coloring up later on in flowering some times goes avery nice purple color
Thanks mate it smells tastey as fuck, I only vegd her on 24hrs for two or three weeks from sprout, then a week of 12/12 and snipped the main stem so its just four shoots but those shoots are growing more shoots lol looks awsom but tiny...

I'm hoping bubbas gift does the same aswel

did you have to lower your temps to get the colours?

I noticed nearly all of humbolts have that funky purple ish colours at the end of flower...

I have CBD critical cure and that in vegg still she is showing some purple at temps of 20c off 27c unless I'm getting a deff lmao


Well-Known Member
Critical on its own finish in 7 weeks, sometimes 7.5. That's why its a commercial favourite out here. I like it also coz it's very strong. 50/50 means you get head hit first and then coach lock after.

I totally ruined one summer smoking that, I couldn't even function. I literally couldn't make it out the house, everything was a mission! It's crossed with loads of strains because it's also a heavy yielder. Plus it's easy to grow.

I'm on the bus, I chose to be stoned all day everyday rather than drive or ride over a year ago. Giving up driving to smoke. Now that's commitment!

Heading to a weed club now...


Well-Known Member
Thanks mate it smells tastey as fuck, I only vegd her on 24hrs for two or three weeks from sprout, then a week of 12/12 and snipped the main stem so its just four shoots but those shoots are growing more shoots lol looks awsom but tiny...

I'm hoping bubbas gift does the same aswel

did you have to lower your temps to get the colours?

I noticed nearly all of humbolts have that funky purple ish colours at the end of flower...

I have CBD critical cure and that in vegg still she is showing some purple at temps of 20c off 27c unless I'm getting a deff lmao
sounds like you have just had a attitude order with the seeds you are saying they was all the freebies last offer ,i got em all ,the one i'm looking forward to doing most is pineapple chunk


Well-Known Member
Critical on its own finish in 7 weeks, sometimes 7.5. That's why its a commercial favourite out here. I like it also coz it's very strong. 50/50 means you get head hit first and then coach lock after.

I totally ruined one summer smoking that, I couldn't even function. I literally couldn't make it out the house, everything was a mission! It's crossed with loads of strains because it's also a heavy yielder. Plus it's easy to grow.

I'm on the bus, I chose to be stoned all day everyday rather than drive or ride over a year ago. Giving up driving to smoke. Now that's commitment!

Heading to a weed club now...
pmsl gwarn


Well-Known Member
This is the 3 seed's i popped a while ago of the underground seed's blue's,there a little light because i have hold back on the nute's i only really want a nice male from these to save the pollen,for a crossing i have in mind further in the year.

They stink that old school blue's smell the stuff that hang's on you,for day's .I might chuck a girl in with the jack herer, i have going in the flowering room,if there looks like there is any space,if not it will be done next time around killer skunk x blue's.I have run it before but not for a long time.

These have been done just under t5 lighting,gotta give it to the ugos there beans have never let me down ever,every one seem's to be well worth keeping.I have just took clone's of them so we see whats what in a week or two,gonna be a shame if there is two females because i'm gonna have to ditch them more than likely,It's the smaller one,i have got a lot of interest in it stink's and it is growing in a way i like,bonzi style.009.jpg 013.jpg

Labs Dexter

Well-Known Member
sounds like you have just had a attitude order with the seeds you are saying they was all the freebies last offer ,i got em all ,the one i'm looking forward to doing most is pineapple chunk
Nah mine are from herbies lol did a 50 quid order two bubba and one headband or other way around but I swapped a headband for bubba with my brother lol,

And the chunks bloody chunks lol I ordered 3 popped out with some insects they was nothing on the soil but when seeds popped up I had some frikkin white crawly stuff, one didn't pop and the fifth all was good no bugs nothing lol but it looked like it strangled it's self (upper half dried upand withered while stem was fresh an green

ValleyDragon had a running with chunks aswel lmao he was glad to get rid


Well-Known Member
My mate has just finished a pineapple chunk grow it was a nice smoke,he did the express(auto) too but was not to keen on that.(But i am a bit of a hater of the auto's can't see the point me self)

7 free seeds with the last order some nice seed's too,main order was tga jack the ripper,hate putting money in subcool's pocket but that haze is just worth it,but him has a person love's him self,he is the new arjon of the weed world full of his own self importance.


Well-Known Member
I had a bad time with barneys pineapple chunks mate, might av been the pheno cos i had a plant given to me which was ready for 12/12...used it as a mother and took loads of cuts, flowered bout 9 and they were bad, really thin stems and small buds, grew like a out of control bush lol...was telling labs i got offered some today thats just started 12/12, turned them down tho cos they are unpredictable lol


Well-Known Member
If it does go tits up, i pull it out,it will only be a filler any how the main crop this time will be jack herer my all time best strain.

I would be very wary about buying plant's that have been grown up to flowering age of another grower,un-less i knew with out a doubt that the grower used the same methods has i do,and all grower's have there own way of doing thing's.

But nice one for the head's up on that seed,its just been donated to my mate,he says he will run it and give me half what he pulls from it,so win win
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Labs Dexter

Well-Known Member
Here is Painkiller lazy woman only just got flowers lolDSC_0470.JPG

Day 11 of 12/12 last two times at this stage she was as good looking as bubbas gift and holygrail, I guess she might be special eh:weed:

Thus is a sticky lady same day in flower but not expecting nothing for a while but looks good and gonna add more soil and spread like bubbas gift DSC_0471.JPG
HHeadband707 :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
You will enjoy the headband i smoked a oz of that over the christmas period.

Still smoking the vape oil made from it now,well that and livers mixed

Labs Dexter

Well-Known Member
You will enjoy the headband i smoked a oz of that over the christmas period.

Still smoking the vape oil made from it now,well that and livers mixed
I really am looking forward and didn't expect it to be much so I flowerd her early lol with the smell she has before even any flowers/preflowers this lady is putting beautiful scent....

Making me sort of kick my self in the teeth, unless I try and clone it when first true flowers pop up:lol:


Well-Known Member
Ffs why do I bother?!?

Been to my gf house and she has overwatered the plants again, with run off in wk2 of 12:12. Then when I question why she has made the same mistake twice in a row I find out her sister watered them for her!?! Wtf!!!! In the afternoon, lights on at 10am. Uh where was she all morning?

I'm trying to get her to pull off a decent 2 light harvest and it's taken 2 mths to work out that the supermarket can deliver the water, and that was MY suggestion. I already sorted out the soil delivery to their top floor flat (no lift).

Oh boy, you can lead a horse to water..... But if it was in the fucking desert it still wouldn't be able to drink it!

Also, been informed of their plans to clone a new mum which isn't even 2 mths old.. :wall:


Well-Known Member
Let her learn by herself like we all did ffs once she loses a crop im sure shell try harder.
Yeah mate you're right. It's not a project, I don't do them. I burnt and ruined loads of plants when I was learning. Her turn to.

It's annoying tho coz I've given her everything she needs to succeed, her first lot was blinding. Complacency costs money. She's already worried abt running out of weed yet makes little effort.

If she had cut the clones this weekend, 3 weeks early, she would've fucked up her next lot.


Well-Known Member
You gave her 2 much help...did u get her to do any reading leading up to the grow? If not giver her a book or something n let her learn from her own mistakes...i feel its the best practice when it comes to growing pot otherwise ur gonna snap at her at some stage...watering on lights our is a rookie mistake