The Bodgeineers blue dream, critical+ 2.0 3kw madness

The Bodgeineers

Well-Known Member
Hi, so my friend and I have decided to pool our cash together and do some growing.
We've grown outside a few times but now have the place to go full indoors.
It's our first time indoors but one of us has experience with other indoor set ups.
I only have a 3.3 KW supply so I've been inventive with the setup.

The set up is as follows.
9000 portable AC dealing with heat extracted into my bathroom.
4inch 187cmhx2 cold air intake via splitter supplying both

2 tents on alternating light cycles.
Linked with 8inch duct so one tent scrubs the other and vice versa this also maintains a decent temperature 20c lights off and 25-27c lights on ( I can get it to 22c lights on if I wish)

Tent 1
Secret Jardin 150 ( 1.5x1.5x2m)
6inch ram filter 770meter per hour
6inch ram fan 550meter per hour
Controlled by home built Variac
XL my co2 bag
6inch dominator xxl with 1000w dual spec hps on adjustable watt digital ballast running 1100w plus 300w CFL that moves around but mainly supplements the vertical wall.

15 f1 blue dream clones from good plants. Rooted and vedged for 2weeks switched at 9inches SOG + scrog
3x shitty flowering clones that didn't make the cut in the other tent vedged for ages but there thin and runted these are being trained up the back wall on a curved vertical scrog.
All in 9ltr pots CoCo

Coco a+b

Green cube roof cube 1.2x2.4x1.8m
8inch hyper fan 1100ish cmh dimmed down to 60%
Phresh 10inch inline fan(absolute monster)
8inch duct
2x 8inch dominator xxl running 1000w dual spec and 600w HP's
Powered by maxbright pro select 1000w balast and lumatec 600w digital
Both on super lumen.
2x exhale co2 bags with 1x my co2 bloom bag.
12inch circulating fan

In here under the 600 scrog we have 2x blue dreams ( large plants ) but the runts from my friends grow 1 of these I've just found has root aphids.. doh!
Also 1x pyramid seeds Tutankhamen
And 2x critical + 2.0 that also didn't look too great from flowering mother.

Under the 1000 we have 4x critical 2.0 monster bushy plants from flowering mother. Theese guys are insane. So many nodes!
Also in a scrog .
All of the above apart from 2 are in 18ltr buckets in Coco.

Training techniques include
Monster cropping
Super cropping
And general light pruning once it gets crowded to expose specific nodes and increase air flow.
I've just installed a scrog net to keep it even during the stretch.

Plants were vedged under a 600mh+ 500w red cfl + 150w DE mh flood light.

I'm 2weeks after switching in the roof cube and 1week in the 1.5
Il put some pics up later.

PS I wrote this on my phone at work so il check spelling later on lappy.
Aiming for 2500g dry yeild combined.
To be eaten raw, made concentrates from and smoked :-)
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