The blues thread

saw bb in atlantic city a few years ago..............goosebumps one of the best shows ive seen in awhile...never knew he was such a good live show to be honest!
BB is a blues god,heres muddy waters [video=youtube;4T2hygHu8CI][/video]
BB is a blues god
But nothing compared to the man who sold his soul to the devil.

I've got some Junior Brown,B.B King,John Lee Hooker and as always,some Stevie Ray Vaughn that i've been listening to lately.The Blues Rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
guitar is great... but don't forget the ones who brought out the true power of a harp.

indeed! My my my has my blues horizon been expanded! Now i have to go buy more albums! Yeah im old school still turn table, reciever....yeah im stubborn!
Jeff Healey, BB King, Stevie Ray Vauhn and of course Robben Ford..

[video=youtube;Y_xvESvZF5s][/video] - all time fav.

I forgot .....Albert Collins is my favorite atm.....when they say he played the guitar,HE PLAYED THE FUCKING Jeff Healy(rip) was still alive he would be considered one the best guitarists of all time...mho,and Eric Clapton is a good guitarist(bluesman).Peace