New Member
If you're ever in Vegas, drop me a PM and I'll hook you up with some dank. That is if I still have some left, only about 3 OZs now.
Stay with it. I havent smoked in years, feel just dandy.Yea i know how u feel.. im stuck here sober as a preist. only half way through flower.
all the chonic around here is infested! its either sprayed with aerosole or has grit (sand, glass powder u name it) or has been dipped in OIL! its so stressfull.
cfls! you can grow a few plants in rotation and use CFLS, they dont put off the heat signature that metal halide or HPS would,YOU MIGHT NOT GET THE MAXIMUM YEILD , but you can harvest good smoke, you can get order everything you need off the internet and be smoking your own by mid summer, and from then on!!!hey there this is my first post and is unfortunatly a VERY angry one. Although i'm from London i've been living in belfast for several years now. When i first got here i was shocked by how bad the supply problem was. Grass if you can get it is on the same price level as coke is in london, so most people smoke a really low grade of hash we call soap-bar. Although this is real terriable stuff it get us by. Now heres the problem. Because this is northern Ireland, weed aswell as everything else is controlled by the paramilitries. Due to this every now and then we go through droughts when we can't get any smoke for love nor money. This is usually caused by the paramilitries fighting among them selves. Now usually these droughts only last for a few weeks and then every thing gets back to normal. However a few months ago something happened (no one really knows but paramilitary in-fighting is suspeted) and the whole of Ireland went dry. From belfast to Dublin to Cork there wasn't a joint in sight Those of us whou were lucky enough to get some found that prices had increased 5x. This went on for about 3 mounths, only ending a few weeks ago. Ever since then although we can get stuff its been even lower grade than normal and twice the price, but in the last week theres been signs of thing getting back to normal (at last). Then about an hour ago i was watching the news, and to my absolut horror, the police have just siezed £10 milion worth of cannibas. In a country the size of northern ireland this is ALOT, AND I MEAN ALOT! THe last big siezure was £1/2million and led to a 3 week drought, so god only knows what this is going to lead to. I know the answer is to grow your own and stop giving money to the paramilitries (which i hate doing, their all murdering scum bags) but this is a country with the most high-tech government suvalliance in the western world, and them lights shine up on those helicopted cameras.
I know this was a long post, but i just needed to vent the anger, thanks for hthe patience.
hey there this is my first post and is unfortunatly a VERY angry one. Although i'm from London i've been living in belfast for several years now. When i first got here i was shocked by how bad the supply problem was. Grass if you can get it is on the same price level as coke is in london, so most people smoke a really low grade of hash we call soap-bar. Although this is real terriable stuff it get us by. Now heres the problem. Because this is northern Ireland, weed aswell as everything else is controlled by the paramilitries. Due to this every now and then we go through droughts when we can't get any smoke for love nor money. This is usually caused by the paramilitries fighting among them selves. Now usually these droughts only last for a few weeks and then every thing gets back to normal. However a few months ago something happened (no one really knows but paramilitary in-fighting is suspeted) and the whole of Ireland went dry. From belfast to Dublin to Cork there wasn't a joint in sight Those of us whou were lucky enough to get some found that prices had increased 5x. This went on for about 3 mounths, only ending a few weeks ago. Ever since then although we can get stuff its been even lower grade than normal and twice the price, but in the last week theres been signs of thing getting back to normal (at last). Then about an hour ago i was watching the news, and to my absolut horror, the police have just siezed £10 milion worth of cannibas. In a country the size of northern ireland this is ALOT, AND I MEAN ALOT! THe last big siezure was £1/2million and led to a 3 week drought, so god only knows what this is going to lead to. I know the answer is to grow your own and stop giving money to the paramilitries (which i hate doing, their all murdering scum bags) but this is a country with the most high-tech government suvalliance in the western world, and them lights shine up on those helicopted cameras.
I know this was a long post, but i just needed to vent the anger, thanks for hthe patience.
hey there this is my first post and is unfortunatly a VERY angry one. Although i'm from London i've been living in belfast for several years now. When i first got here i was shocked by how bad the supply problem was. Grass if you can get it is on the same price level as coke is in london, so most people smoke a really low grade of hash we call soap-bar. Although this is real terriable stuff it get us by. Now heres the problem. Because this is northern Ireland, weed aswell as everything else is controlled by the paramilitries. Due to this every now and then we go through droughts when we can't get any smoke for love nor money. This is usually caused by the paramilitries fighting among them selves. Now usually these droughts only last for a few weeks and then every thing gets back to normal. However a few months ago something happened (no one really knows but paramilitary in-fighting is suspeted) and the whole of Ireland went dry. From belfast to Dublin to Cork there wasn't a joint in sight Those of us whou were lucky enough to get some found that prices had increased 5x. This went on for about 3 mounths, only ending a few weeks ago. Ever since then although we can get stuff its been even lower grade than normal and twice the price, but in the last week theres been signs of thing getting back to normal (at last). Then about an hour ago i was watching the news, and to my absolut horror, the police have just siezed £10 milion worth of cannibas. In a country the size of northern ireland this is ALOT, AND I MEAN ALOT! THe last big siezure was £1/2million and led to a 3 week drought, so god only knows what this is going to lead to. I know the answer is to grow your own and stop giving money to the paramilitries (which i hate doing, their all murdering scum bags) but this is a country with the most high-tech government suvalliance in the western world, and them lights shine up on those helicopted cameras.
I know this was a long post, but i just needed to vent the anger, thanks for hthe patience.
Grow with CFL t-12's not as much light and not as hot..Insulate your room and do it right..Do a Sea a green and u will harvest every week or however u set it up.
Don't u run as much risk running around trying to find it?
Good Luck