The Biggest giveaway that they aren't *18* is when they say...


Active Member
i just finished reading this thread and it took me 10 minutes to quit crying with laughter to be able to type. :mrgreen: i particularly liked the last few posts about the guy that wanted to rent a place and "grow quick" so he could turn a profit and not lose all his money on paying rent. this dude is going to be caught for sure. i can see the headlines now....." juvenile caught with 20 plants believed to be marijuana". further down in the article....."the plants are believed to be marijuana, but because of poor growth the plants were not easily recognizable.". lol. seriously though.... i have seen so many people busted because they rented a place purely for a grow house. the land lord is usely heard to say..."he was only here like 3 to 4 times a week so i began to get a little curious.". renting a place only to grow is a BAD IDEA!!!!!!! just thought i would throw in my 2 cents worth.


Well-Known Member
I found a guy who was selling hash so i bought some off him, he said it was dingleberry hash has anyone tried it before i didnt get high at all it tasted funny


Well-Known Member
"so guys i totally just got my grow box set up i found some extra light bulbs in the closet (they say 60w incandescent) and I was like DAMN I'M LUCKY THESE ARE CFLS! so i put my lamp in a cardboard box and got some foil around in tht shit. rofl i hope my mom dosnt find out id be gronded n shit. im gona go grab a shovel and get some soil and get high and eat some fucking hamburger helper :joint:"

Hah. I made a valiant effort.


Well-Known Member
Just think, all of these children who can't spell are some day going to be in charge. That makes me scared, because if they can't do something as simple as spell check, how can they reasonably be expected to make informed decisions?


Well-Known Member
Can any experienced grower list the options as far as lighting?
I would like to know if anyone has ever grown using batteries as the energy source. Growing in an appartment has lots of people worried about electricity overages and i was wondering what other options there are...
...thanks guys... :joint:... justrealhigh
just found this gem. :)