The Bigger the plant = the more intense the anxiety.


Well-Known Member
If i can t hide em i prolly wont get to keep em is what i always say....

But in my heart i want a 11 ft skunk tree!!!!! Hell yeah!
Next year ill grow one i think.

Tie the top down a bit?
Transplant some local bushes or weed infront of her to camo it? Honey suckel or ones that smell alot are best.
The smell is the real problem, I know how bad it reeks an there is no solution but quarintine em in the country.
Wire some fake flowers on her to match the camo plants?


Well-Known Member
You gotta be kidding...don't fall in love with those girls. Otherwise I predict a broken heart.
I know it sucks.. They are like 60 yards from a pod of 5 of my females... But I feel like if they knew mine were there then thu would plant them so close.. Ya know? Good thing they are next to my smallest plot out of four...


Well-Known Member
I took the monster approach this year and I tell ya what I don't know if I can do it again. I have grown dope outside for numerous years before. I have always kindda planted and wished the best, usualy they would finish about 6 feet and was very carefree when I did check up on em. never a problem.

This year I started em early and they have been givin my utmost attention. Well the plants are already 7 to 8 foot tall and it's not due to lack of light. So now it seems that this shit is for real now. I hate to say it but there are just some plants I don't even wanna see, I cannot believe it I get about 30 yards from those stinky critical masses it smells like someone let off a pot bom.

So anyways I am wondering if anyone else has that issue?. I tell ya the truth with all previous outdoor grows, I would walk out with a cigarette in my mouth to check on em and if anyone saw me there f-em, I did'nt really give a crap. But with these monsters it's a whole nother world.

Also while we are on the subject has anyone ever grown a plant soo big that you would not go back to get it.. even though you are pretty sure no on else knows it is there?.
Nicotine is bad for cannabis, it shouldn't be around your plants at all.
I cut down a few hybrids in my backyard last week, they were over 10 feet tall, and skunky. Although I share the fruits of my labour with my neigbours, the odour and height was becoming too apparent to neighbours a few doors away. I have kept my squat indicas, and one of the hybrids.

I still have six nice indicas and hybrid growing. The hybrid has started to shoot pistils, the indicas, not so much.


Well-Known Member
well maybe thats what I can do, sit at the bottom of each monster and smoke a pack of smokes... maybe they will stop growing?. lol
I concur with this statement.

Cannabis plants absolutely hate to be around tobacco smoke. It actually kinda chokes the plant out, if you will.

The smoke, once up in the air... eats up the oxygen that the plant relies on.. and of course.. you also have the

poisonous and toxic vapors that the smoke puts out as well.

You've got Carbon Monoxide - Toxic; Carbonyl Sulfide - Toxic; Benzene - Carcinogenic; Formaldehyde - Carcinogenic; Nitrogen Oxides - Toxic; etc... all of which are poisonous to your plants.

Just thought I would reassure you.. that tobacco smoke is indeed toxic to your plants.

But, if you like me.. not a smoker.. then you have nothing to worry about. ;)


have a great weekend ppl.