the big log


Well-Known Member
And you cant eat the same as you did when you had 10kg some point you calories are just enough to maintain new weight. Its suprising to see how little the human body needs for a day


Well-Known Member
Do you really need 500calories of chocholate every day?
I think I have a form of early onset dementia where the three main symptoms are not caring about things that used to matter, a bad truth telling problem and constant snacking. I have all three in spades. If I'm setting at my keyboard I'm eating something. Most of the time I don't even realize I'm doing it. But no, I don't need that much chocolate. I just need to be thru hiking, then I wouldn't be getting enough calories.


Well-Known Member
Actually many people make their first introduction post saying "I was reading for 5231252312523 years and now decided to grow myself and here I am, need some advises", which is actually great! When a good community opens up a great hobby to more people
I live in the free state of Florida, where they lock you up for smoking flower, much less growing it. So unless I've known you online for a long time, I don't talk about growing. But if you want to talk fishing I guess that will be OK . . . .
