The Big Bang

In my experience, most people who I have met that do not believe in the Big Bang Theory, do not understand the Big Bang Theory. The evidence speaks for itself... If there was a giant expansion of the universe that gave us what we see today, then there would be a slight hue of radiation emanating evenly throughout the universe. Guess what. There is. Objects within the universe would be hurled outwards in all directions. Guess what. There are.

Also, lets emphasize 'EXPANSION' Not explosion. In an explosion objects are hurled outwards in all directions and from that instant onward, they begin to slow down due to gravitational pull. What we have here is something different. Objects in our universe not only appear to be moving away from one another, but they appear to be doing it at an increasing rate of speed.

If things continue as they are today eventually the hydrogen will run out and our stars will shut down. The giant stars will become black holes and they will become more and more massive as they eat their way through the galaxies and merge with one another. Eventually the black holes will evaporate and the energy from them will be dispersed over an empty space so vast that our minds could never grasp it. I've even heard talk of subatomic particles being ripped apart by the expansion of space.

And if you really want to trip out, check out quantum mechanics. See how whenever we try to locate a particular subatomic particle it seemingly can exist ANYWHERE in the universe. Objects in one corner of the universe can affect objects at another corner. Or how about super strings? I need to smoke a bowl.... :peace: :joint:

Some good points there 4theist20... especially towards the end where you merely glance over quantum mechanics and superstring theories. There is so much real magic in the universe, enough to keep any intelligent mind busy, so why do people have to put all their efforts into fictions?
Brian Greene - Superstrings and the Theory of Everything is a great book and an easy read even if you know nothing about physics, he puts everything in analogies that are easily understood.

The basic idea of the they is that everything is made of tiny vibrating strings which make up all the subatomic particles and so on. It's also supposed to bridge the gap between quantum mechanics and special relativity.

One thing I didn't see anyone touch on is that as the universe continues expanding and the galaxies pull away from each other our chances of ever traveling to other galaxies are greatly diminished since the distances will be so great.

We have so much knowledge on this stuff and there's still 999999999999x more we don't know.
why existentially ponder when you know you'll never find an answer? it happened. why debate? we're here and that's totally enough. stop wondering about this that doesn't matter and start a family. at least, even if ur kids are total shitheads (i know i am, and my kids probably will be too), we can keep going one way or another.
more fun than smoking a great bong and watching the new Sopranos episodes?????
besides, these scientists who "discover" these new things about the creation of the universe know jack shit. i'm no creationist, but come on. the truly enlightened man is he who know he doesn't know shit. ur basing all of your assertions on other ppl's works, what you've read. the funny thing is they've never been closer than you have to that event. they, just like the folks deciding which medications to use on your cancer, don't know shit. science is experimentation and it's all too sad that you CAN NOT run experiments on how the universe started. give me an example of how you can and I, and trust me I'm no one of importance (if not already obvious), or any other true academic can easily tear your argument down in a heartbeat. not with incredible knowledge but with simplicity, our cells are alien to us. science uses instruments to observe, to learn. they use microscopes and drawn out methodology. who is to say they are right? about some things, temporal things, of course they are right. but if given a long enough time spectrum, who knows if these events aren't simply coincidence. you want a real question to ponder. what if our whole existence here on earth is totally and unjustifiably arbitrary and unneeded?
yea, but sopranos wasn't on this week. i love this page and the conversations. all i really mean to say is the contemplation of incredible things is fine if you're unable to go experience others.
I know it's just what I've read and I know in the scheme of things neither I nor anyone really knows shit, but these theories are based on observation and as we learn more we refine them, discard them, whatever the evidence dictates.

The big bang at its core is simple, we have evidence that everything is moving away from some point in the universe, so if we keep stepping back in time you're left with the origin, a point, the big bang. It certainly isn't a full explanation of the events, but that's a neverending pursuit.
observation of conditions we can not re create. it's a dick move to say but, you can't back anything up about it w/o M.J. fox and a flux capacitor.

observing the existence and nature of forces and molecules doesn't parallel developments of any other sort. when we examine what scientists think are similar situations to the beginning, they are guessing at best.

the idea of big bang and the sort are just as erroneous, some and theoretical as creationism. simply put, we wouldn't know either way, at least not yet. who knows what'll turn up later. for now, we're ill-informed jurors in a mistrial.
what if you are though. what if all this only exists in my mind. what if i am the only being. just a gathering of thought in an unknown time and place. everything is made up. you exist because i think you do. i am your god. you are all puppets in my mind.
fair enough. what about that damn ph tho? isn't that weird or what? i checked out your journals and pics, they look very nice. generally, the first
day of feeding the stems go red/purple but then they perk back like mad and will grow 1/2" a day. NL isn't known for growing all crazy to my knowledge. I probably got shitted on with my seeds, some website.

(i'm the guy w/ the ph thread about overfeeding blood meal.)