The Big 6 (Wheezers Outdoor 2011 Grow)


Well-Known Member
Iknow it's a shitty video, I'm learning how to use the camera, and upload so it's just a test run.


Well-Known Member
Holy effin Kolas Wheezer! My god those are huge. I like the video. I love that area too. I grew up in Camino and it reminds me of there.


Well-Known Member
yea those Rommies are amazing plants, they really blow upover a 2 week period. They don't look like they're gonna do much, and then all of a sudden, they take off, and fill out quickly. Those flowers have 3 weeks at least to go yet, so they'll pretty fat by then.


Well-Known Member
Here's http://a 2 part long silent video. I been trying to learn how to add music but I havn't found the right program. I made one, but can't upload it yet. Oh well here you go.


Well-Known Member
I cant wait to grow like a norcal grower : ) whats goin on weezer built my first green house over the weekend with the socal RIU members!! Talk about fun!


Well-Known Member
Carport green house that is. One just like double jjs were shootin to go his style haha. IF my stuff came out even half as good as his i would be pretty happy. I got pics on my thread. Any input is apprecaited for sure! Joshkins is doing the final touches on it as we speak!


Well-Known Member
Sweet silent movie. Was the first one the Romulan? Wasn't there a giant SLH in the back or something?
Romulan, yes, but the SSH is at my house. This grow is at my old landlords place.There is 3 Romulan, 1 Blue Dream, 1 Orange Romulan, and 1 Juice (Agent Orange x [Jack Herer x TrainWreck]).


Well-Known Member
Well, I went down this morning and fed the girls a 50 gallon barrel of tea with guano and such, a nice hot load!! Probably gonna be the last one I think, as they really didn't NEED that feeding. An hour of worm searching turned up 4 little babies and no damage that I could find.
3 weeks to go or so....fingers crossed and praying hard that the weather holds out!


Well-Known Member
yeah it cant hurt i should spend the 10$ on a bag of guano and do one more feeding i was thinking then just have left over bat poop


Well-Known Member
Well, I went down this morning and fed the girls a 50 gallon barrel of tea with guano and such, a nice hot load!! Probably gonna be the last one I think, as they really didn't NEED that feeding. An hour of worm searching turned up 4 little babies and no damage that I could find.
3 weeks to go or so....fingers crossed and praying hard that the weather holds out!
Mixing up my last batch of tea for the Mad Purps tomorrow, will feed on Friday. The SR-71's still have many feedings to go (mid November harvest).
I'm in the opposite boat then you Wheez, I need some nice cold weather to roll through the last week or two before harvest (should harvest 1st or 2nd week of October) to turn the Mad Purps purple. Now I'm hoping for cold dry weather, that helps us both!
Your girls looks great!
Keep up the good work...


Well-Known Member
I know this is probably a difficult question to give just a straight answer, but I guess I'll ask anyways. How do you gauge when the plants aren't going to need another feeding? I'm currently in the same boat (just ran out of nutes) and trying to decide whether or not I'll need to go buy more, what do you think?


Well-Known Member
I know this is probably a difficult question to give just a straight answer, but I guess I'll ask anyways. How do you gauge when the plants aren't going to need another feeding? I'm currently in the same boat (just ran out of nutes) and trying to decide whether or not I'll need to go buy more, what do you think?
I feed up until I start seeing orange hairs appear on the buds. That tells me about 10-15 days left until ripe. I use that last 10-15 days to flush my plants with just water, or water + molasses, but just water the last 5-7 days. This will give your medicine a nice smooth taste. Have you ever smoked herbs that "sparked" when you lit it?
If you have that's a plant that WAS NOT flushed properly and that sparking was the unburned fertilizers the plant had stored, but not used up. You want your plant to use up all those stored up fertilizers before you harvest.
This is what I do, hope this helps, I also know that this strain is ripe between the 5th and 15th of October.
Good Luck...