The best explanation of a trump voter ever televised.

It is legal to put a campaign sign up on public land. Of course there are a few restrictions for public safety, but in general its perfectly legal. And why would Hillary pay 30$ for Trump signs? That's stupid. Presidential yard signs have little impact on Presidential elections. Signs are more effective for local, unknown politicians. Everybody and their mother knows who Trump is, so what's the point? Signs don't vote. Most of you Democrats seem to be low life cheats and liar types
Public land. Not Federal Agencies on public land. Dufus
Who do you think owns the deed to that land?

When referring to public/private in this context, public means "owned by the Govt, on behalf of the people" and private means owned by private individuals/corporations.

You imbecile...
It is legal to put a campaign sign up on public land. Of course there are a few restrictions for public safety, but in general its perfectly legal. And why would Hillary pay 30$ for Trump signs? That's stupid. Presidential yard signs have little impact on Presidential elections. Signs are more effective for local, unknown politicians. Everybody and their mother knows who Trump is, so what's the point? Signs don't vote. Most of you Democrats seem to be low life cheats and liar types

Those radicals who steal or drive over yard signs are only creating more backlash against themselves,and more Trump voters with every act of vandalism,every person attacked,every mob beat down,every riot all wakes more people up & makes us hate everything modern liberalism stands for.

The head Troll here can search my posts as Panhead & see that I was a pro Hillary voter,then an Obama voter 8 years ago,now I have an intense hatred of all establishment,including Hillary,people like buck & FogDog made millions of people like me,the yard sign lady has made hundreds of Trump voters who were on the fence,I love it when they lash out because we grow stronger .
Those radicals who steal or drive over yard signs are only creating more backlash against themselves,and more Trump voters with every act of vandalism,every person attacked,every mob beat down,every riot all wakes more people up & makes us hate everything modern liberalism stands for.

The head Troll here can search my posts as Panhead & see that I was a pro Hillary voter,then an Obama voter 8 years ago,now I have an intense hatred of all establishment,including Hillary,people like buck & FogDog made millions of people like me,the yard sign lady has made hundreds of Trump voters who were on the fence,I love it when they lash out because we grow stronger .
How do you feel about that TRUMP! lady voting twice?
who do you think owns the public land along the side city roads and bridges? Which Federal agency?
You are a moron. This is not a National Park or grazing land - it is a town. Federal law does not apply, nor does Law of the Sea. The municipality has laws covering this. Seeing that you don't know where I live, you might consider the fact that you are in ill-informed buffoon.

If you PM me $30 before midnight tonight I will send you two TRUMP! signs and a racist t-shirt.

I wonder what TRUMP!-era parks would look like? Would there be signs everywhere? Will these signs help us achieve the 6 or 7% growth that we were promised?
Those radicals who steal or drive over yard signs are only creating more backlash against themselves,and more Trump voters with every act of vandalism,every person attacked,every mob beat down,every riot all wakes more people up & makes us hate everything modern liberalism stands for.

The head Troll here can search my posts as Panhead & see that I was a pro Hillary voter,then an Obama voter 8 years ago,now I have an intense hatred of all establishment,including Hillary,people like buck & FogDog made millions of people like me,the yard sign lady has made hundreds of Trump voters who were on the fence,I love it when they lash out because we grow stronger .
When I see the attacks from mobs outside Trump rallies, Democrats bragging about stealing private property off lawns, blocking highways and bridges. It lets me know for sure that Democrats will do whatever it takes to win, even if it means theft, fraud, and violence
When I see the attacks from mobs outside Trump rallies, Democrats bragging about stealing private property off lawns, blocking highways and bridges. It lets me know for sure that Democrats will do whatever it takes to win, even if it means theft, fraud, and violence
I hope you are not including me in this group. It would be fairly typical for the typical TRUMP! voter's disregard for facts though.

p.s., you are a moron. Don't ever change. On election day you are just as powerful as non-morons. Live it up.
Are yout really this dumb or just putting it on?

The United States Government owns it.

Read up on "eminent domain" and it's basis in law.
You sound like a communist. Besides, they don't own it until they actually use eminent domain on a specific piece of land. Which Federal agency owns the property of the public school down the street from your house? Why don't you be more specific about which government agencies own everything public? So I can shove this thing down your throat and put it to rest already
Those radicals who steal or drive over yard signs are only creating more backlash against themselves,and more Trump voters with every act of vandalism,every person attacked,every mob beat down,every riot all wakes more people up & makes us hate everything modern liberalism stands for.

The head Troll here can search my posts as Panhead & see that I was a pro Hillary voter,then an Obama voter 8 years ago,now I have an intense hatred of all establishment,including Hillary,people like buck & FogDog made millions of people like me,the yard sign lady has made hundreds of Trump voters who were on the fence,I love it when they lash out because we grow stronger .

And you're still going to fucking lose.

bummer, huh?

Take your vast pile of conspiracies and shove them up your ass. America won't elect Trump. The majority of voters can't relate to a privileged rich guy who doesn't pay taxes, spouts hate and outlines invisible conspiracies out to get him.

You can't even recognise an objective news network.

You sound like a communist. Besides, they don't own it until they actually use eminent domain on a specific piece of land. Which Federal agency owns the property of the public school down the street from your house? Why don't you be more specific about which government agencies own everything public? So I can shove this thing down your throat and put it to rest already
They own it by default unless its privately owned, in which case they can use eminent domain if:
1: It's for public/civil use
2: The owner is fairly compensated

And as I've said, the United States Govt owns public lands, with Federal Agencies to maintain it with the exception of State owned land, which can also be public land, obviously.

Congress changes, the "Govt" as a public body does not.