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I'm sorry fellas If id have known it was sketchy I wouldn't have shared. My bad
Nothing to apologize for, it was on Amazon so ultimately they'll make it right. Looks like some people are going to make money on this. :D

When I went through the web interface to return it, the only option I had was for mail, so I clicked on print label and it was a photocopy of a label with a add postage placeholder.

I absolutely hate having to call on the phone and talk to their CS reps. It used to be real easy, they gave you a free month of Amazon Prime every time they fucked up. Now ya got to fight with 'em to to make it right.
I joke, but I just got in a "surprise mystery pallet" and it was one pair of shitty air pod knockoffs. Hahaha
Nothing to apologize for, it was on Amazon so ultimately they'll make it right. Looks like some people are going to make money on this. :D

When I went through the web interface to return it, the only option I had was for mail, so I clicked on print label and it was a photocopy of a label with a add postage placeholder.

I absolutely hate having to call on the phone and talk to their CS reps. It used to be real easy, they gave you a free month of Amazon Prime every time they fucked up. Now ya got to fight with 'em to to make it right.

when you open the helper in chat type real person.

then tell them what happened
Was real excited because mine delivered today. Didn't get the cameras, got some type of Wi-Fi antenna. Product no longer available, and the return process is a giant pain in the ass and they want me to pay to send it back. Fuck that. So it looks like I'm going to have to give them a call and go through all the fun of actually talking to a Amazon CS rep.

Thanks to the OP for this one. If it had been the actual product, for that price, it would have been cool as hell to do a time lapse of a plant from seed to harvest.
Mine was ordered on the 9th and just docked in Houston, a day after the 7 day delivery window. I think they should look into working with Comcast with that kind of service. 4th Amazon package late in the last month. They gave me one month free a few days ago. I might be more shocked if I actually get it as advertised.
What did you say to them still won't let me start return tell the 30th
Till the 30th? Huh. I took care of that shit the sec it came in. I just messaged em. The seller is Mia obviously. Since Amazon can’t contact the seller. The seller gets banned. And whoever bought this pos should get full price back. But I can’t speak for any of y’all. I’m speaking for myself. I’m getting seller original price back. It’s gonna be a process. But trust me. In the end it’s worth it. My ol lady bitches and complains for a living. Literally Amazons worst nightmare. So she handled it for me in 20 min.