The Best Compliment Ever!!


Well-Known Member
So last night I'm at a little get together with some people. We were all drinking beer just hanging out. Some one asks, you want to smoke a bowl? Sure I say.

He pulls out his bag, along with 2 other people who were holding. I didn't know any of the people packing the bowls and they were all talking about how bomb their weed was. It this kind of skunk, that kind of kush, and it costs $500 an ounce and what not.

The other three people all packed bowls, all hyping up their shit as they did it. Asking people to smell this and look at that. I just went along with it, not saying a word about what I had.

I opened up my jar with about 3 grams inside. The second I opened it, I hear, "Goddamn that smells incredible." As I was breaking it up, everyone was like, "Oh can I check that stuff out?" "Where do you get it?"

After smoking a bowl of it I start getting asked, "How much is it?" "Can you get me some?"

I just told them all I get it from a friend, but he doesn't sell so its hard to get. But when he hooks up, he calls me to see if I need any. They all believed that little story so it worked out well.

I have never had so many people drooling over my buds. It was freaking awesome. I don't usually share my personal stash with a lot of people, so it was nice to hear the compliments. Especially from people you don't even know.


Well-Known Member
+ Rep. not easy to satisfy ppl easy today with all this great weed around ;)

great stuff..


Well-Known Member
I cant wait for that to happen, with my own homegrown organic haze. I have it happen with some dank i bought, made feel good, but if it were my grow i would feel really good.


Well-Known Member
all my wifes friends love my shit to hahaha..she just says my husband knows a dude who knows a dude so they never ask for it..
i have no friends to impress lol, they all roll like me..

so congrats my friend that is awesome ...


Well-Known Member
Makes ya feel good doesnt it?

My AK47 has completely blown away EVERYONE!! From the bag appeal to the smell to the head rush before exhaling :hump:

Yup...a friend of a friend got it on vacation down in Fla he heh