The beginning of a perpetual grow.


Well-Known Member
Nice I'm interested to see how this goes as perpetual has always seemed like a tantalizing option, but a little too much work for a lazy bum like me. BTW I LOVE Triclopse, I have always thought that it would be a good idea to let a few plants start in one container, as when one of them out competes the others you will know which plant is the most vigorous. Although in that case I would probably cull the losers and just keep the bully. Either way I'm interested to see how the plants in Triclopse do in comparison to the others
I don't think a perpetual takes as much effort as you think. Really all you need is more plants.


Well-Known Member
Dude I just looked in there and my SD plant had a good growth spurt. Pics tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Dude I just looked in there and my SD plant had a good growth spurt. Pics tomorrow
I kinda hate you, over that SD. Both my SD from reserva privada have fail to sprout.

I thought I'd share my new babies. If you don't mind of course :)
They're at 1 1/2 week, and stretch like crazy because I left them under a shitty T5 past the sprout. Critical Kush on the Left, Ak-47 on the Right.

Let's see that update!


Well-Known Member
I shouldve watered first but oh well, droopy pics:







Well-Known Member
they are all to about there 6th node so its topping time. I dont have any alcohol to sanitize but i do have some hand sanitizer and boiling water. suggestions?


Well-Known Member
its looking good, I keep pulling them apart but they come back, their stems are getting thicker though. Very sexy


Well-Known Member
ok so today I topped them with a boiled razor blade. It hurt to cut off all the new and beautiful growth, but I'm confident it will come back.

Pics Before/After


d3.jpgd3 (2).jpg

d2.jpgd2 (2).jpg

sd.jpgsd (2).jpg

d1.jpgd1 (2).jpg

d4.jpgd4 (2).jpg


Well-Known Member
Did you not water them for a bit? What's going down with those leaves? Be sure to water the Tri more frequently, got 3 gals drinking from the same glass.


Well-Known Member
i do, those are the old growth that went through hell, the new growth was all healthy. They look bad but it was healthy when they were topped. I was going to go up in strength with food in a few days but I'm going to hold off for another week to keep them from getting extra shock. They should start showing their sex soon.


Well-Known Member
ok so they are doing good, there is two shoots coming up on all of them except on of the triclopse (when I topped it I also apparently cut off the left node)

I didn't have time to take pics of all of them. The D1 is looking stronger and not so bitch-like.



Well-Known Member
ok so the babies have bushed up on me. the one that the node accidentally got fimmed grew back but not uniformly. They are feeding at about 70% strength, I ziptied triclopse to the cup to spread it out some. I wont get my 400w hps/cmh for about a month it looks like, so im not sure what I'm going to do with this, most likely veg to a bonsai bush
pics pics and more pics



D1 (middle)




Well-Known Member
Looks like everything is starting to get lush. Still jealous of your Sour D!

I was wondering what strain(s) you're looking @ from Sannies. I looked into them, and seems like a wonderful breeder. Might be interested in a grow along with the same strain, and see what Phenotypes we end up with. Sounds like fun to me :D

*Edit* Do you know what your RH is? *Edit*

I'm just now at 3weeks with my ladies.
Trying some LST on this Blue Hash
Jedi Kush is one of my favorites so far


Well-Known Member
mmmm good looking ladies. I have no idea the RH lol Im considering either pineapple diesel or durganchitral and then getting selene as the 5 freebies.

I have been spreading appart the tops to open them up, I did some bending on SD yesterday but not enough to stress it. Next Tuesday/wednesday will be 6 weeks so Im looking for sex on them everyday. I got a few people who I will give the extra females too, I mainly just want the SD.

I regret not ph'ing my water in the begging, the SD would be huge by now if it wasnt stunted for like 3 weeks.


Well-Known Member
mmmm good looking ladies. I have no idea the RH lol Im considering either pineapple diesel or durganchitral and then getting selene as the 5 freebies.

I have been spreading appart the tops to open them up, I did some bending on SD yesterday but not enough to stress it. Next Tuesday/wednesday will be 6 weeks so Im looking for sex on them everyday. I got a few people who I will give the extra females too, I mainly just want the SD.

I regret not ph'ing my water in the begging, the SD would be huge by now if it wasnt stunted for like 3 weeks.
I feel you when it comes to not checking the ph. Lessons learned now for a better lifetime of growing!

oh, im letting the roots dry out under the tricllopse
Would that be like air pruning or whatever. The tips die and makes more roots? I'm not quite familiar with that shiz

How much longer are you going to veg them after they show sex? or are you going to flip right into 12/12?

I'm not really sure how much longer I should veg my ladies to be honest, any input?


Well-Known Member
im going to veg it for a while, untill i get something to cover the odor. You can smell it when you come in the room which im starting to get bitched at about because it smells different than smoking weed.

I'm doing it so the roots hanging out the bottom will dry up and die so that it can be transplanted, also because i dont want root rot.

as far as how long to veg, it depends on the stretch of the strain and the size of your flower room. Im considering topping again and making it big but i have to keep it open enough for the lights