The Beard Thread

My beard's been growing since late March, it is currently magnificent, like a Viking! Going for that 'yeard'

This thread will be for real men who grow beards

Why do you have a beard? What's your beard look like? How long have you been growing it? Why does shaving your beard physically appal you? Why don't lesser men grow beards?

why do i have it because when i started growing no one in my group had one ... set apart from others got me into the bar 3 years before legally allowed ...and the best part i do not hunt i just sit and wait for the ladies to come up and ask are u really amish (then i have my opening to talk make them laugh with in first 30 secs and rest is easy)
my beard is amish (shave the mustache under the lip and part of the chin ) i like to eat pussy so need a good clean the mutton chops tickle inner thigh
had my beard since i was 18 so 18 years now (half my life)
whatz the point in shaving it grows back ....shaving the parts i do....... i do it once a week

why don't they grow it unsure ........happy they do not i would have to shave it off so i am not like the masses
My beard is a lot more curly than the others here, I have curly hair on my head too when it grows out..

mine gets way curly too pada if i don't keep on top of the grooming.
just got my hair cut today, and the floor was full of about 2 inch long, brown curls.. my head hair only tends to get curly when it gets on the longer side..
when i was a baby, i had long, blonde curls.. the parents took me to get shoes, and the guy comes back out with a pair of black, patent leather shoes, for girls.. my old man ran out and got my hair cut right from the shoe store.. after my first hair cut, it went from blonde to brown.. :(
mine gets way curly too pada if i don't keep on top of the grooming.
just got my hair cut today, and the floor was full of about 2 inch long, brown curls.. my head hair only tends to get curly when it gets on the longer side..
when i was a baby, i had long, blonde curls.. the parents took me to get shoes, and the guy comes back out with a pair of black, patent leather shoes, for girls.. my old man ran out and got my hair cut right from the shoe store.. after my first hair cut, it went from blonde to brown.. :(
My hair darkened as I got older too, I used to be light brown when I was a kid, I just saw some baby pictures. Hair is dark brown now but my beard is ginger with a touch of white near the chin area. I have a cousin who had a full head of gray hair by the time he was 20! Genetics man..
your beard is good its just a "I still give a fuck" beard no harm in that
It's got be fully removed soon, fireservicedon't allow them as they stop the breathing apparatus from sealing around your face :( no more beard for me for ever until I retire lol
It's got be fully removed soon, fireservicedon't allow them as they stop the breathing apparatus from sealing around your face :( no more beard for me for ever until I retire lol

grow a 70's thick stash....that will allow a good seal as u get older it gets bushier about 2 years it will look like something out of a time machine u will make a great house commander with it
grow a 70's thick stash....that will allow a good seal as u get older it gets bushier about 2 years it will look like something out of a time machine u will make a great house commander with it
If my life was on the line, I'd shave

A beard/facial hair isn't worth your life. Safety comes first
grow a 70's thick stash....that will allow a good seal as u get older it gets bushier about 2 years it will look like something out of a time machine u will make a great house commander with it
Haha, saying that you are actually allowed goaties and moustaches lol
big porn star tash here I come lol

Your lips look like a vagina.
It's got be fully removed soon, fireservicedon't allow them as they stop the breathing apparatus from sealing around your face :( no more beard for me for ever until I retire lol
Go wildland bro i was a hot shirt for two years before the marines they let you grow hella beards
I have spots in cheeks, but I can grow a goatee, my girl hates it.. I like myself with very short hair military high and tight, and long goatee. She likes me with long hair with no facial hair.... I'm starting to think she might be lesbian... lol jk plz nobody tag here. :)
You guys got any tips for straightening your beard? Especially on the cheek area. Mine curl a lot and it doesn't look aesthetically pleasing to say the least. I've heard beard oil does a good job, but I've only just yesterday started to apply it, so I cannot see any difference.

I'll also post a link for a home made beard oil recipe if anyone is interested.
You guys got any tips for straightening your beard? Especially on the cheek area. Mine curl a lot and it doesn't look aesthetically pleasing to say the least. I've heard beard oil does a good job, but I've only just yesterday started to apply it, so I cannot see any difference.

I'll also post a link for a home made beard oil recipe if anyone is interested.
I condition and comb and that helps for a minute but other than that my shits curly as hell.
You guys got any tips for straightening your beard? Especially on the cheek area. Mine curl a lot and it doesn't look aesthetically pleasing to say the least. I've heard beard oil does a good job, but I've only just yesterday started to apply it, so I cannot see any difference.

I'll also post a link for a home made beard oil recipe if anyone is interested.
Yessir get your self one of them thar nigra brushes.. I see that you is a foriegner and that may not make much sense..Over here I would head to the ethnic section at my local wal mart and find me I very stiff brush almost like the kind I would use to clean my bar b q grill...You get that and rub your beard with it 100 strokes eryday...Itll do the job on them ginger pubes you got on yer chin