The banking industry has fucked Spain up to the point it needs 125b to stay afloat


Active Member
What do you mean where is the money?
All the money is in the Federal Reserve, it's called gold. All currency is bullshit and has been for a very long time, the only thing that has any value is precious metals, which is why everyone is buying them up. But later on even that will be useless, the only thing that will have any value will be natural resources.


Active Member
You have high military spending because you's like to play World Police, anything else on the subject is bullshit and moot.


hmm not sure what happened to the quote but the first line was supposed to be a quote, not my words, just sayin.

Damn it you all got me started now I can't shutup, I gots to study, must pull away.


Well-Known Member
When exactly has the US been forced to defend Europe?

You have high military spending because you's like to play World Police, anything else on the subject is bullshit and moot.

Sand people killing sand people should be left to the sand people, not some US drone.

Yea and those military bases in 130 countries don't help either. The US could cut their military in half, end the drug war and quit throwing every idiot that looks at someone else funny in jail and they could end our debt AND provide health coverage to every American. Yet they would rather sit back and blame someone collecting food stamps.


Well-Known Member
Yea and those military bases in 130 countries don't help either. The US could cut their military in half, end the drug war and quit throwing every idiot that looks at someone else funny in jail and they could end our debt AND provide health coverage to every American. Yet they would rather sit back and blame someone collecting food stamps.
Welfare hasn't become a problem in the US like it has in Europe tho, they're two different beasts.

In Europe you can have a 50inch plasma, drink 5 nights a week, smoke and generally have a better life than a family that is working at minimum wage. That's what you's need to avoid, I call them the iPhone welfare generation.


Well-Known Member
All with two nostrils full of coke. Watch him move his jaw back and forth. Bush did some lines before attending this fine event. Start watching at 13:00

At 14:12 he almost gets teary eyed when he mentions his dad.


Well-Known Member
You're like a living talking points memo. Unions to blame for the euro debt crisis? You'd be laughable if you weren't so pathetic.
Would you like to explain to the class where all the debt piled up? Did the banks spend the money? Hell, no... The government spent the money. Now they want to blame it on the banks for allowing them to print their way ass deep into debt? Not again... LOL!


Well-Known Member
Would you like to explain to the class where all the debt piled up? Did the banks spend the money? Hell, no... The government spent the money. Now they want to blame it on the banks for allowing them to print their way ass deep into debt? Not again... LOL!
This is the dumbest thing Iv ever read and you've clearly no clue about the Euro debt crisis.