The Bag Seed Experiment


Active Member
wow nice thinkin man i was thinkin the same shit juss i was gunna extend the power and neutral lines from the original light socket but wat ur saying cuz a extension cord in half is pretty fukkin msart i might juss do that instead +rep

The way I did it was that I originally had the CFLs setup with a regular light socket which had a splitter in it. I bought the vanity light setup that I showed you in the picture in a previous post and it had the power and ground wires sticking out of the back. I took the wire that goes to the light socket I was using before and the power wire comes right off the socket without any cutting the wires are just spun around a screw that you loosen.

I took that wire and just connected the light socket power wire to the vanity thing and it powered all 4 sockets perfectly. Alot easier then cutting up an extension cord.

Thanks for the support guys


Active Member
new pic! The first and third plant have exploded and the inner growth is doing very well. I can't even keep count of how many leaf clusters are popping out all over. The second plant is the biggest it stands at almost 10 inches tall.

I need some input though, as you can see the FIRST plant looks like a completely different strain and also has NO inner growth at ALL and is much smaller of a plant. What does this mean? I tried everything from LST to putting lights on the sides and i'm getting no inner growth.


second plant - day 27

third plant - day 27

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Active Member
if you think thats good. add some more spliters and make each socket hold 4 bulbs. if you got a little cash handy


Active Member
also wait a day or two, take some clones ( a goode use for those tube floros you got layinn around), and sart flowering now if your vertical space is limited. and sorry for the double post


Active Member
sorry about all the posts but i cant figure out the edit function. (if someone could help it would be appreciated) as far as the first plant just top it and clone ithe top. and then you could flower it like that (after veging for a few more days up to a week) or bend the stalk until it snaps without accually breaking it (look up supercropping) after which i would veg it for a little longer, but it would deffinetly put out some side shoots after that


Active Member
That sounds like a good idea. Keep in mind that the first plant was planted the same day as the bigger two and they are all on the same feeding system so they all got the same nutrients, light, water, etc. With that information, doesn't it seem a bit extreme how that one plant is growing so bushy and isn't 1/4 of the size of the other two?

Do you think the other two are really ready to be flowered? How much yield would you expect from that size?


Well-Known Member
Im afraid that you have veged too long. I cant believe no one caught this.

You need to switch to 12/12 immediately or you are gonna have a forest that will be impossible to light with your equipment.


Active Member
I've seen bigger plants grown with less lighting but regardless I started the 12/12 cycle today. I currently have 8 CFLs lighting the two large plants and I transplanted the smaller plant outside. So the 8 bulbs are focused on two plants rather then three so there is plenty of light now I'd think. I also transplanted the bigger two into pots that are more then double the size so there is alot of fresh root growth space which I hope they will settle into good while they begin flowering. I looked closely at the plants and I noticed what I believe to be female preflowers but I'm not totally sure and my cellphone cam is too crappy to get close-ups like that. If I can manage to borrow a digital camera I will try to get shots but I'm just hoping my guess is correct because if it is I have two big healthy females that are on their way to flowering some buds. wish it luck!

I am considering purchasing some 2300K or 3000K CFLs to add to the current lighting but I'm wondering if it will make a big enough difference to where it's worth it?

So should I add the low color temp lights in addition to the eight 6500K cfls or should I just replace them completely to the low color temp spectrum and does it make a big enough difference to do so?
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Well-Known Member
naw man u should really throw in some more lights i had a 4 ft and a half plant growing with 3 42 watts and it stretched like a bitch all thru flowering i had to tie the plant down and its branches because the bud were to big i thru the plant into flowering at 2 ft and i wish i would have a 1 ft and the only part of the bud that got really fat were the ones at ther top the ones at the bottom skimpy as a mutha fuker so i say i should really throw them into flowering cuz it looks like there gunna get bushy and the ligh wont be able to reach the bottom buds


Active Member
I've been tying down the two plants for like two weeks so far to increase inner growth so I hopefully won't come across the problem of light not reaching the bottoms. I think my plan is to buy like 4 more CFLs that are 2300-3000K and I'm going to set two up for each plant one bulb facing the bottom and one facing the top for each plant.
I started 12/12 cycle two nights ago so I took your advice. My reason for waiting was because I had just transplanted into bigger pots and wanted to give them time to settle in.

A few more questions...Does root growth continue during flowering? Will the extra space in the new pots benefit the bud growth and whatnot? Finally, how long on average does it take after you start flowering for there to be a sure sign of a sex for the plant. I am almost positive that I see a female preflower on both plants but I could be wrong. Does it take a long time for it to start flowering once you switch to 12/12?

Both plants are tied down...unfortunately my cellphone camera sucks even more then it already did and started taking really blurry pictures so i cant take any until i borrow a digital camera...sorry guys they all look healthy though
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Active Member
On both of the bigger plants I see female pistols on each node so things are looking good so far. One of my friends told me that I still gotta watch out for male balls because it could still windup being a hermy. I'm hoping that isn't the case but I shall update once I can actually get some good flowering shots.

Thanks for the help guys.


Active Member
It's day 6 of flowering and so far there isn't any dramatic changes except the growth has increased tremendously and the plant is becoming even more bushy but the preflowers that I'm seeing don't look that much bigger. I was told that it should take atleast two weeks to clearly see the sex of the plant so this is just basically a waiting game at this point.

The tops of the plants turned to a nice neon greenish color and seem to be getting ready to flower so hopefully all goes well. Hopefully I find a way to get pictures soon.


Active Member
Easiest way to set up CFLs (at least, this is what i did):

Goto a hardware store and buy one of those vanity light fixtures (you know, its the lights above the mirror in your bathroom) There's a cheap one I got with three sockets, its only $10

Get 3 socket splitters and 6 CFLs

Get a cheap extension cord

Cut the end of the extension cord off and strip the wires, attaching them to the wires on the vanity light (cover this with electrical tape to prevent fire/shock)

Find some thick string or something similar and attach it to the vanity light (I got "yo-yo"s (reflector hangers) and tied these through the holes in the back of the fixture)

Tie up the fixture, plug in the socket splitters and the bulbs and plug the other end of the extension cord (which now powers your lights) into a wall socket.

You now have a simple yet very effective 6-light fixture for your plants that plugs right into an ordinary outlet. Total cost (not including the bulbs) is probably around $15


hardware store tomorrow



Active Member
my7k if you have a lowes near you try looking for one of those push carts near the lighting section where they sometimes keep clearance items. I found the 4 socket version of the exact simple white vanity fixture and it was out of the box but in mint condition and was marked from $14 to a clearance price of $2. Maybe if you find the 3 socket fixture it may be even cheaper but if you ask me thats an awesome price if there was two fixtures I would of taken both but I still bought 4 splitters and currently have 8 CFLs running off that one fixture all with one power wire.

Also instead of buying an extension cord to cut up you can take the power cord off a regular house lamp socket which usually screws right off and the power and ground are connected to the socket itself with simple screws holding down the wrapped up end of power wire.

Good luck


hardware store tomorrow



Well-Known Member
I have electrical background, so I can do this blindfolded, but shouldn't be to hard for others to do. I got a few cheap electrical boxes, screwed them onto a short piece of 2x4, wired it with a cord, and put some porcelain light sockets on the boxes with Y splitters in those. painted the whole thing white. I have a 4 socket fixture for under $5, and about 30 minutes of work.


Active Member
my7k if you have a lowes near you try looking for one of those push carts near the lighting section where they sometimes keep clearance items. I found the 4 socket version of the exact simple white vanity fixture and it was out of the box but in mint condition and was marked from $14 to a clearance price of $2. Maybe if you find the 3 socket fixture it may be even cheaper but if you ask me thats an awesome price if there was two fixtures I would of taken both but I still bought 4 splitters and currently have 8 CFLs running off that one fixture all with one power wire.

Also instead of buying an extension cord to cut up you can take the power cord off a regular house lamp socket which usually screws right off and the power and ground are connected to the socket itself with simple screws holding down the wrapped up end of power wire.

Good luck
Awesome, thats what I meant to ask about but I forgot. I can use any standard cord? Will ~208 watts (26x8) be too much for one cord? I understand the basics of electrical work but I know you need sufficient amps too..



Well-Known Member
Awesome, thats what I meant to ask about but I forgot. I can use any standard cord? Will ~208 watts (26x8) be too much for one cord? I understand the basics of electrical work but I know you need sufficient amps too..

4 bulbs on one cord should be just fine. it's like... powering a computer. you can even use a cord from a computer. then you have a ground wire in there too. ground (green) just connects to the casing of the light fixture.

sorrowful hero

Active Member
yep. im tellin you cfl is the way to go it's cheap and does the job well. i was using a 50 watt hps and my plants were growing so slow. then i bought a cabnet put 4 cfls in it and like emerl Bam my shit took off. i have two 65k and 2 27k on 12 hrs budding. they are doing awsome. in my opion cfl rocks for the price.


Active Member
Quick update. The two plants that I have indoors both have female pistols growing in the nodes and I see no sign of male balls appearing so I'm in the clear for 100% females. I guess I'm really lucky because this is my first grow and two of the main plants are female so far. The one that i transplanted outside has almost tripled it's size in a matter of days it's crazy but I haven't seen any signs of sex as of yet and I will check tomarrow.

I sorta got my camera working but everytime I try to take a picture of the nodes closeup it just comes out as a stem with a bunch of blurryness all over.

Both plants started growing ridiculously once I started flowering and if you compare these shots to the last shots I posted of the plants and how little time it's been since then you will be amazed at the growth with CFLs. I am here to prove that CFLs work good to all those who doubt it.

Be aware that I've had these plants tied down so what you are seeing is an above view of the sides of the plants basically. When standing upwards both plants are in the 16-18" range. It's amazing the amount of new tops that appeared and it all looks so healthy.


These are my first two girls....SICK!

plant two - day 38

plant three - day 38

If you think you are good with determining if a plant is mostly sativa or indica based then PLEASE throw down a response and let me know what you think! From looking at these two plants I would like to know if they are sativa or indica or both mixed and about what ratio they are mixed at. LET ME KNOW. THANKS!
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