The Attitude Seed Bank screwing up


Well-Known Member
Hi all. Just wanted to let everybody know that the Attitude's service is getting bad. There not giving out the free promo seeds like their supposed to and when ordering, you might not get the seeds at all. I've talked them up for a long time, but now they are screwing up not only my last 2 orders, but other people to. I think there getting to big for there britches.
Just beware when you order from "The Attitude"​

DJ GreenThumb

Active Member
I just had a totally different experience on my first order with Attitude. I received my seeds in the the sticks of Montana at that, 8-9 days after ordering. Out of 30+ seeds including the 5 freebies I only had a problem with one seed and it was my fault, I damaged the taproot trying to help release the seed casing after it broke the surface. Basically 100% germination with seeds from 6-7 different breeders. But I have also seen where people have GREAT experiences with them their first few orders then start having problems. Maybe the trick is to only order from them a couple times :p


Well-Known Member
attitude has been sending out all my orders in record time. i actually got extra freebies with my last monthly special order so im very happy.
everythings germed well, i wrote about it in that new thread on germ rates. all in all attitude has been treating me well this year.


Well-Known Member
dont know about these bad reports. first time attitude order for me, and e'thing arrived quickly except one G13 blueberry gum seed was crushed on arrival. not totally, so i put it in wet paper towel to see if it could survive. do i have a chance?

looks like after 2 days in the paper towel, the top where the sprout usually comes out from is still sealed and the sprout maybe pushing out the other side where it was broken. is this going to survive?

DJ GreenThumb

Active Member

I don't know if it will survive but I know that I have seen people say that if you notify them that the seed was damaged they will replace it with your next order. They won't send out a single seed but I can understand is a freebee after all. Good luck hope it pops for you and you don't have to go that route. It sounds like that strain will make some tasty nuggies, keep us posted please


Well-Known Member
How exactly did they screw up your last two orders? By not giving you free seeds or something else.


Well-Known Member

I don't know if it will survive but I know that I have seen people say that if you notify them that the seed was damaged they will replace it with your next order. They won't send out a single seed but I can understand is a freebee after all. Good luck hope it pops for you and you don't have to go that route. It sounds like that strain will make some tasty nuggies, keep us posted please
yessirr... im not about to make another order... so i just hope it will pop. aside from the Pineapple Express they sent me the BB Gum is the one im most excited about...
ill keep you's posted ^_^


Well-Known Member
I've had good luck with Attitude in the past, but my recent experience has soured me on them. They took my money and sent the order to someone else, where it was delivered over a week ago(according to the tracking number). The address is not in my state, nor have I ever heard of it, so why did they ship there? I don't know, and apparently I'm not going to find out.
I'm all done over there..


Well-Known Member
Sorry I forgot to tell you all that the seeds on both orders were boughten/paid for seeds. I would never complain to the company about missing free seeds only.
I've ordered from them about 15 X and I love The Attitude. They also replace anything that's missing from my orders. But for it to happen 2 X in a row tells me their having a problem and we, as the consumer, need to be aware of it. I'm not saying to stop ordering from them. Cause don't. They will fix any problem you tell them about.


Well-Known Member
I've had good luck with Attitude in the past, but my recent experience has soured me on them. They took my money and sent the order to someone else, where it was delivered over a week ago(according to the tracking number). The address is not in my state, nor have I ever heard of it, so why did they ship there? I don't know, and apparently I'm not going to find out.
I'm all done over there..

I had an almost exact same experience. They (USPS) said they couldn't read the zip code. When I finally got the package, I had to sign for it and after I got it in the house, I notice it had been opened. I order it stealth w/coffee cup. Everything including my seeds were there. I just figured that problem was here in the US.


Well-Known Member
How exactly did they screw up your last two orders? By not giving you free seeds or something else.
Not only that but they forgot the ones I paid for to. That was the problem, my bad for not explaining it very well. I was a bit pissed. But I've talked to Rachel @ The Attitude and she has taken care of this problem.