Well-Known Member
It is fishy. Very fishy.This accusation sounds fishy, it looks as if the op just registered with this sight to bash attitude. I have never had any probs with them, next time buy in small amounts, there's a possibility it will get eyed by customs.
I find it so amusing that no matter what forum I visit I always see the same thing.... affliliates or random first time posters badmouthing other seedbanks in a very poorly disguised manner to promote nirvana in some way. Until recently I've just been a lurker on most forums, and even in that capacity its quite hard not to see it.
I mean...seriously. Why bother? Attitude blows Nirvana away without breaking a sweat. Look at both sites, look at the selections, and look at all the reviews. you dont see people from attitude hopping forum to forum trash talking other vendors. Why? Because they dont have too..... oh, that and they probably have an IQ above 3 and realize that it would just make them look dumb.
Congratulations on stupid.

Oh, and by the way, I know plenty of people who have ordered from both attitude and nirvana. Never heard any complaints about attitude, aside that shipping can sometimes take a bit longer than you may be accustomed too. I've heard some fairly lousy things about Nirvana that I'd rather not repeat, simply because I cannot confirm them to be true or false.
Good luck