Someone that makes a stunning cross..but doesn't understand the Auto side.
i did see them and you are right, the breeder did a fantastic job at selection, but the auto side is hit and miss. I think that if the auto side was more understood the crosses would have had the trait as well.
I think that when it came to selection the mind set of certain traits clouded judgement on auto selection.
so to move away from that Size..would in theory move you away from the ruddy..and any of it bad traits...
That being said..I think that we have already moved away from it...
and I don't mean just my girls..
I mean as I look around..I think all the breeders have..
i have to agree 100% on this. When i look around i see that the traits of the rudy are really not there any longer, and like you said its not just your girls either. Its all the crosses out there really. This is why i am led to believe that we have so call altered the genetic gene pool of autos. You spoke of a greedy eye when it comes to breeders, this eye has allowed us to move far away from the rudy traits and bring in the beneficial one, the AF trait.
This is why i am led to believe that they are now carrying the same ability to breed via recessive traits so to speak. I think that there may have been some sort of genetic "hook up" as the auto trait is recessive as well. I think that with isolation of the Auto trait we have somehow also brought over the ability to bring out the most in them with in their own gene pool not having to do non-af to af rolls. Mind you that will always be a point of interest, bringing in a new variety. But to be able to make a new potent hyb by just using the already available strains would mean a whole new thing to the world of autos.
Gonna be watching your Live experiment with interest.
Glad to hear it my friend and it will be an honor. I know there is some coaching i am going to need and an ear to bug
and I have my money on you..because I know you have an eye for the fine trait detail.
Thank you my friend i appreciate that, The only reason though is because i had test after test
ALF#3 was MADE to take the DC. worked.
I think i am going to have to agree here with you. I think that it did more than work my friend it was like the missing link to the DC. The traits passed so well through to the AF version, it really looks like the long season girls in a mini frame with the blessing of the AF trait. Its as almost if you were in TH's head while he was breeding it. Hands down has always been my fav, i love the big fat monster fans, true sign of a hearty indica
I hope one day i can pull something like this off.
Damn...I wonder who has the 11's............

I bet i know who.......