The Art of The Auto


Well-Known Member
rofl... teflon... you never cease to crack me up

Have you seen Bob Saggett doing standup? Oh man, thought they were going to arrest him right there for borderline childporn shit!... What a swing from Full House to complete raunchy! ... funny tho
Yeah he works Kimmie Gibbler their neighbor into his bit. He has always been raunchy. I saw him on HBO when I was a kid. It was rapid fire raunch with a dose of add


Well-Known Member
The vinegar dissolves it..maybe it simply makes the molecule small enough to be taken up...
the chemical reaction turns it into something else the girls can use...ponderings....
I am thinking its breaking down the cal into the water to a state the plant can pick it up. Also see it feeding the micro life in the soil in turn giving the plant more to feed from. They say feed the soil and not the plant and the plant will be vigorous. Keeping the micro life going is the key to healthy soil, and from the info BH posted about the cider vinegar makes sense. Even though you are using white wine, there still has to be some trace elements in there at work. Thats what leads me to believe that the cedar is gonna act like FF's stuff.

For Me..the other benefit of the Vinegar....
one of my pest is ants...they acually Steal the seeds out of the pot..thieving little buggers...
you get rid of ants with white wine vinegar...
so if it is residual in my pots..all the better.
This is unreal, i cant believe that the little ants truck up your plants and steal the seed. Thats just too funny my friend i can just picture them carting them off into there dens. Little treasure chest stealers

Got a lot of catching up to do.
This is an understatement my friend i too am playing catch up in here
seems the weekend is when this place rockets. 4 pages in one day i think...

Transplanted/ROOTS girls...
The tall girl has lifted a good 4 inches since I got them out the 8 inch pot
Its amazing what these girls will do when you give there roots some room. I am seeing it now the tiered pots. So far i am a believer and i will use this from now on. I can already see that i am gonna have to move the lights up before its over. Ive NEVER had to do that :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
The Usual Slutspects...:joint:

No 4 has mossers and FD written all over her little pink panties :)
Looking great JM looking healthy and they seemed to have recovered well from the toxicity
glad to hear that you have the fogger working again itll be interesting to watch you apply it again
one of my fav things you use to grow with.

Oh and Im not to sure about the panty thing LOL, is that a good thing i take it ?


Well-Known Member
23 days and rolling. Two days of growth have been outstanding.

Im catching you JM :):fire:

Incredible spurt over the last 2 days
All i got to say is +rep for FF stuff and tiered potting :fire:


Active Member
The company I've dealt with uses a cd.... thats a little more stealthy... its hidden in the shell of the case. Cracked me up when i first got from em... "The Artist Formerly Known as Prince"
Sounds like the company I received my Auot Berrys from....they came in a cd case....


Active Member
BH! Thank you for that great recipe (hash oil). It turned out to be pretty nice considering the materials used were so bad I didnt smoke it during a drought. It has a pleasant taste as well, no chemical taste. Friends have already been dropping off more materials for new batches. Thank you again for the knowledge. The buzz is very heady then tapers off about 30 min later into a nice body buzz, we have been wiping some on papers and rolling joints up.
Glad i could help. After a few runs you'll be pro. Ever since i got the recipe i have been saving every bit of trim and scraps i have. The result is too nice not too :D If you have a bunch of kiff "crystal - thc trichs" you can mix it into the hash oil and make some super hash :) The better your trim and quality of buds the better your end result will be.

When i watch the strain hunter vids on youtube, when they are in india. I look at all the buds they just toss on the ground. I say to the wife they need some westerners to come in there to show them how to make use of all that "throw away". The oil from those buds would be amazing..
The cream and coffe bean smells from all the kush would be mouth watering..

That is the best part about that recipe, the flavour comes through intact.


Active Member has kept me busy ALL day...took longer than I thought..It's me age.....

No..not me...the Girls..the girls....:roll:

I just had to manually pollenate then clean out their hut.
That is why all the single ladies were out on the patio.

I couldn't trust the Ogun males weren't gonna drop one...

so I had the bathroom to scrub down and the grow cupboard....
can't afford to take chances...
so we are all done and dusted now..

RIP all the Studs.

The DC males..on a tabloid newspaper for size guide.

These were trimmed right down before pollenation.


FullD...I'll catch up with everyone soon..
I have to say m8...Glorious...
I can see the Difference that tiered potting systen has done for you..
I can see the vigor in them that I am getting in mine...

AF's with Muscles.....:clap: :clap: :clap:

you are really pulling out all the stops.....
you are determined to keep ahead of me and BH in the cup challenge...:fire:
ALL for the good of the Girls.....

They say feed the soil and not the plant and the plant will be vigorous.
I'd pick my ammended water over ferts now.
BTW...the roots girls had only had 2 x 50% veg ferts..
so that root good health was mainly down to the water.

Thats what leads me to believe that the cedar is gonna act like FF's stuff
Fingers crossed M8.....:leaf:
With the soil feed in mind..You run the cider vinegar..and I will test the Red wine vinegar..come spring..see if I get variation on the two types.
IF it is the wine Tannins that are should be better.

And..on that thought..I have a strange thing that happened..but it might be relevant...
You know I was gonna water test the dog...brace..brace.....

Well..what I did was I bubbled her a bottle of water..added just a touch of vinegar..
incase the smell put her off.
Anyway..within about 4 das I got a bloom on the water that I had kept in the bottle so I threw it out.
I thought I might have had a bit of fert contamination from the air-stone...
I'm wondering..with the oxygen filled water if it was microbes..
I'll have to test it agin with a new air-stone..see if it repeats.

I need a new air-stone anyway..because I am running an experiment..with Your idea
of adding an air-stone to the pot of the new germs I have set away.

This is unreal, i cant believe that the little ants truck up your plants and steal the seed. Thats just too funny my friend i can just picture them carting them off into there dens. Little treasure chest stealers
Yeah m8...I had photos over ICM where there were maybe 100 in a frenzy rolling the bloody seed right out of the pot..
they have the cheek to leave the empty seed pod...:shock:

Mini Rippers....

I want to test these JEMS in a clean compo environment. No blood and bone meal and all that good shit in the soil, just the cow poo :smile: then the teas from sex to harvest.
With your two tier system in operation could put the Plain compo into the small pot for the germinantion process..
then your amended soil into the big pot.

You got to remember that you wiped the floor with me in the cup challenge..
I Think the figures I remeber was 14 g's for me..64 g's for you..
so even though I have return to is no where near 400%
so I'm thinking your Good soil had something to do with that.

I'm away to plough back over the last 10 pages..see what I have missed...

I could be a while.

I kind of followed the Moss man,FD,BH
HAD to show us That make our eyes water.....:clap:
IF she buds up like FullD's..
she'll spend all grazing her nose on the floor


P.S...Who is the little Trident girl in the photos you posted..she is a beaut...
When I first saw her I thought it was one of FullD's girls...just on density..
Beautiful growing... hit the nail right on the head...
Glad to make you laugh... always one of my primary intentions with everyone I interact with... love to make people smile and work/bend their minds a little :smile:
You Learn more when you are having FUN........:clap:

Cheers to you and HBC for giving those doseages...and my regular doses of canna porn...
mmm...mmm...makes me Smile seeing the girls while I'm having my cuppa. are having Far too much fun on that chocolate...
I'm saving to make some for myself.

Note on the canna vodka...anyone suffering from calf pain due to lack of circulation..
canna vodka hits the spot...4 days on the canna vodka reaches the parts that smoke alone cannot reach...:leaf:

harry larry

Active Member
Well hello again autogang. I popped 5 lowryder2 seeds in the dirt. 4 have sprouted, and I had a little trouble with one, I found it sprouted on the top of the soil. So I buried it gently and left it. It grew out of the dirt properly, but the seed case was stuck on it. I removed as gently as I could, lets all hope it pulls through. One wierd thing is one sprout looks a little different. It looks like a blade of grass kinda.

John Mondello

Active Member
You Learn more when you are having FUN........:clap:

Cheers to you and HBC for giving those doseages...and my regular doses of canna porn...
mmm...mmm...makes me Smile seeing the girls while I'm having my cuppa. are having Far too much fun on that chocolate...
I'm saving to make some for myself.

Note on the canna vodka...anyone suffering from calf pain due to lack of circulation..
canna vodka hits the spot...4 days on the canna vodka reaches the parts that smoke alone cannot reach...:leaf:

always glad to share my pix... lots more fun when others can enjoy and share too!


ps - thanks for the canna-codka tips... been so busy with the choco... forgot about my vodka! lol

John Mondello

Active Member has kept me busy ALL day...took longer than I thought..It's me age.....
God... could ya bitch anymore? If all I had to do all day was sex... shit... I sure as hell wouldn't be bitchin! lol



Active Member
HAD to show us That make our eyes water.....:clap:
IF she buds up like FullD's..
she'll spend all grazing her nose on the floor


P.S...Who is the little Trident girl in the photos you posted..she is a beaut...
When I first saw her I thought it was one of FullD's girls...just on density..
Beautiful growing...
She is an Autoblueberry from Lowlife if your talking about the pics on 222...
Always an honor to get Mossy's aproval...

John Mondello

Active Member
btw FD n Mosssers...
got watt meters so i can mintor power consumpion to a c-hair,
on the way:
Lumens/foot candles digital meter

of course I'll be 3d mapping light distribution from my 400 hps light and also from the uvb supllementals..

also... read up on the ona gel a little... guess what the active ingredients are?

yup... terpenoids... lol

also.. definite increase in vigor since the ph change / vinegar / h202... plan on metering runoff at some point soon (tonight or tommorrow)
fogger is working well also... they're lovin the co2 and nutes via fog feed.
