Active Member
Not hard to torment us mate, the phenos the autoflower gods gift you are 2nd to none. It`s been a pleasure following along the last couple years.torment the life out of all of you with them....
They will be growing bark soon here, bloody tree trunks. hadon't they look like mini celery plants....?

Also will add for you, the lime green comes out with at least 14 degree difference in day/night temps (give or take a few).
A sure fire way to find out what plants have colours. Every summer i have to deal with stuff like this. 25 to 30 celcius durring the day and often single digits at night.
FD, so glad you are poping the ICU`s. I almost forgot to find you some baby icu pics. I have to have them, i got a laptop in between that grow so i have pics scattered between this and my PC. The pc is a stand alone not wired to the web anymore. So i`ll have to check that one too.
I can`t wait to see how they develope. They broke my purple cherry so they hold a special place in my heart. haha