Cheers m8.......

...I was meaning for you to have a look at 43Hitmans leaf....
I'm appreciating the info...
How much is that IOU now...
LOL i see something and i go into diag mode, 43's plants look great and that spot is really nothing, unless it spreads then we need to be concerned. I dont think its gonna do that though.
I havent been keeping a tally but.....

Its the least i can do for you my friend

it all comes out in the wash karma here help diag sick plant there it all balances out.
I thought the yellow was a bit singe at first...they are getting damn near the light.
I didn't notice the other leaf until the photo...
the cupboard is getting a bit Full.
i hear ya i hope i dont run into this either, i may have some nice sized ladies this round as it looks the tired method is working nice.
The reason i thought it was nute burn was because its just one tip under the main canopy nothing else around it looks touched
My guage is a pool guage..only goes downto about 6.8...
same as me, i still dont have a meeter other than the eye and some dye. Its been working for years now though
The Soil PH meter that I got for £7..$10..actually Will measure water PH..
I will test how accurate against the water one..and let you know.
be looking for the info here as i am in the market for one. I want to see what the actual digital numbers are on my mixes, ive never seen it other than through a dropper
I'll test my run off when I get my water meter....couple of days...
See i knew i taught you well

Look at you measuring run off and all that good shit