Since i see alot of people asking about soil mixes, this is what i use on my autos on the regular and for the most part i don't have to add many fancy ferts to the waterings. Aside from the boosters.
all mixes are assuming you are using a 2gal pot/bag to grow in. I also mix everything in a 80L tupperware before i put them in the bags. Soo.
Into your 80 liter / mixing container. I usually get to fill 10 bags with the soil i mix, so adjust your accordingly.
1) I put Half full of base medium, you can use coco/peat/compost what ever. I usually use a peat based product, as money only alows so much some times.
2) I will add 10/15 cups of sheep manuer. People use chicken.. Some one told me it makes your buds sweater.. dunno, but i use it. Do some reading on what you are going to add for manuer some take longer to break down.
3) If i have welcome harvest grow on hand, i add about 10 cups. About 1 cup per gallon of soil for your container. IF i have no welcome harvest i'll put in 5 or 6 more cups of sheep.
4) I try to put in about 10/15 cups of blood and bone meal, so for me i put in a half box of the stuff. Autos go into bud so soon you want your soil to be a bit heavy on the flower addatives.
5) If you have rock phosphate, this is a good time to add about 5 cups to your container. Round about 1/4 to 1/2 cup per 2/gal.
6) I'll usually add in a good bit of perlite, couldn't tell you how much, but you want enough that your soil isn't going to compact. Air pockets in the soil are
7) I fill the rest in with worm castings. This stuff is the magic. It brings in microlife, micro nutes and all sorts of good stuff for the soil. Which is why it is called a natural chleating agent.

1 tbs per gal of dolomimtic lime.. Crushed pls
If you can find GREEN SAND... this stuff is good too. 1 cup per gal.. ALSO!!! i almost forgot.. the kelp!!! i swear by this shit. 2 to 3 cups per 2 gal bag... I Love my kelp.. Roids i swear.. Even in teas... good good good.
ANYTHING that had a OMRI rating on the bottle is safe to water to an organic media. Charcole from a fire is good for flower nutes, high in PK.. Don't know what ratios tho.. sorry.. google
That is the base of what i grow in, some plants need you to bubble some manuer with your molasis/comp teas but for the most part you can get by with that. Plants that are heavy on cal/mag you'll need to do that yourself, epsom salt watered has worked for me. Cal/mag from botanicare is ok on micro life. Not the + one.
Also a good idea to let this sit for a week, and turn at 3 days. You want to get the microlife going in there before you plant into it. You can burn plants when you plant into orgaincs that hasn't been colonized yet. The build up is alot for a plant.
Don't plant seedlings into this.. 14 dayers at least. Or your going to grow a bunch of males.
I water with rain water when ever i can, whe it's dry i am on a RO system. I don't PH my water.. Don't even look at it unmless one is looking off. Hasn't failed me yet. Pure clean burnign goodness that STINKS!!!!!!! Organic buds have a certain pungentness to them.
There is room to move on the amounts, i haven't burnt a plant yet doing this. Have been able to up the flower addatives pretty good with no adverse affects. Even adding the bone meal to my teas durring flower.