The Art of The Auto

Can't help thinking FullD is gonna be proud how this thread has woofed since he has been away.

I'm 5 weeks in with a Dinafem Roadrunner. My first auto. And I have no idea what I'm doing.
(Shes teaching me. :razz:)
Ha ha Canon...mine taught me all I know..with a little help from my Friends.
They are Addictive.
Do you have any photos...?

Endorium..sorry no help on your hydro question...
But..I was wondering..what kind of Stink do you have...?

I have had AF girls brought up to sex in a grow cupboard..then put outdoor in my off-season.
Sometime lower that 10 hours natural light...december.
It slows them up..but they will take it because even in winter we have blue sky/good light levels.

I find that if I get them to sex under light..they will take almost anything that mother nature throws at them.
some of my girl are @ F11-12 outdoor..
so they are well acclimatised to my off season conditions.
napa23 has the Best idea..bit of both..if that was practical for you.

Yessir! I figure.. If im going to plot out the course of this journey I might aswell work towards somthing i'll be proud of.

I had heard that Cheese was good..but never tried it.
All my time goes on homeworking my own girls or my crosses..
I need to get out and sample more....:bigjoint:

but ive liked the diesel ryder ive seen lately and hope it will work with the cheese to make a truly
pundgent purple.. auto!

Fingers crossed for you m8..

BTW..your purple she all purple..or is she holding Pink on the bottom of the calyxs..
I'm sure I keep seeing pink..?

AF posters..are any of you med growers..or all simple Stoners..?
Just wondering if we will be getting any good med reports back.
I put them in to germinate eaxctly 14 days ago. To me they seem to be growing very fast or is this normal growth??P1132_23-10-10.jpgP1132[01]_23-10-10.jpg
The smell is off the leafs. THey look healthy as you can see but they are really making a smell ! I presume its good. Its definatly not a bad smell :)
The stems on the plants seem really fat already. One has leafs going brown/yellow. Was told not to worry and maybe reduce nutrients.
"Quick question.. is taht vanilla kush auto? I was wanting to run some pollen by one in my search for a CheeseCake line"
nope it is a Barney's Vanilla Kush Feminized no auto yet but my oh my those are some wide leaves on squat plants.
Good fat leaves like you have are beautiful..the whole growth pattern is great
you should have nice yield off them..
the leaves on #1 pheno would worry me.

Unfortunately..I haven't grown I'm not sure what the problem is.
I'm sure someone will be able to advise.
(If they were in compo..I would worry about stagnant water.)

I'm wondering..if you are starting to get a smell..if they are getting ready to sex...
that normally makes a bit of a stink.
Exciting times.

ironheadxl..these are AF girls brought to sex under lights..
then stuck outdoor when they got too tall for my grow cupboard.


BTW guys..I saw a shroomyshrooms here..does anybody know if it is OUR shroomy..or another one.
The leaves on that one plant are worrying me :(
Its all from the same resevoir as the other one. Cant see any difference as to why one is not going yellow and the other one is?
ANy ideas from anyone as really dont want to loose it!
Water appears to be flowing past fine and the roots from both plants look very healthy
Had a good look at the plant that is going a bit yellow. The stem about have way up looks like its been damaged at some point and gone a little dark brown/black. It has not broken the whole way through but certainly damaged. Plant is still growing very fast so hopefully it recovers. Will take pictures tonight and you wont believe how much difference since this morning!!
Anything I can do to help it recover as I presume this is the casue of some leaves going yellow and getting brown spots.

Could the light be to close? Its a 250w cfl and its about 2 - 3 inches form the plant
Hey y'all. thought i'd update you on my NL auto. been vegging 3 weeks now and is nice and bushy, so have decided to switch it to 12/12 on the red light, mainly coz i'm an impatient SOB and can't wait to get a smoke off of her :bigjoint:
Pics are of 18 days, 20 days and today, 21 days. the growth between day 18 and 20 is pretty wild. let me know your thoughts.:leaf:
Day 18.jpgday 20.1.jpgday 21.1.jpg
Anything I can do to help it recover
Keep your fingers crossed.
We may be looking at results that came from the stem damage..and it may recover.
They have Hearts like you may be lucky.

Can you see any New growth on it...?

The rest of them are looking Fine...good growing...:weed:
SmokeyDeHerb...that is a Good Looking plant.
Amazing the difference between day 18 & 21..

But gotta ask...why 12/12 on an Autoflower...?

Can't help thinking FullD is gonna be proud how this thread has woofed since he has been away.

Yeah I bet enjoying some b.betty :-P. Its great seein peeps showin auto love!

BTW..your purple she all purple..or is she holding Pink on the bottom of the calyxs..
I'm sure I keep seeing pink..?

exactly. pink at the bottom of calyxs, making for serious eye candy!

leaves going yellow and getting brown spots.

Could the light be to close? Its a 250w cfl and its about 2 - 3 inches form the plant

What im thinking, its good to keep those cfls close as possible without cookin your green. maybe use your forearm and move it to the distance you cant feel heat, that should be good. Im thinking the large leaf size compared to short height, they might wanna grow more than your lights letting them, thus they've grown into your lights heat?

maybe raise the light a few more inches to promote a bit of stretch? not to much tho.
i thought 12/12 on an autoflower did nothing except slow growth. Autoflowers do not go off light so doing 12/12 will not make it flower.
I am doing mine 24 hours light for the entire cycle then 3 days dark at the end.

I have noticed growth today and the damage must of been a few days ago so fingers crossed. In fact the damaged one is growing faster than the non damaged one!!
One closet to the camera is the one with the damaged stem. Small one to the left/back is Sharks tooth strain that is non auto. once Auto's have finished I will start to flower that one :)
@mossy i heard a guy swear by 12/12. I cant remember his reasons tho lol. I know his results were there, but when i tried 12/12 start to end, I noticed a slower grwoth pre-flower. Ive heard other people cut it down to 12/12 a little bit after they flower, with the intent of quickening growth.

also heard people giving them a day or so period of full darkness for another quickening push. Id probably only try taht towards the end for fear of herming them
Keep your fingers crossed.
We may be looking at results that came from the stem damage..and it may recover.
They have Hearts like you may be lucky.

Can you see any New growth on it...?

The rest of them are looking Fine...good growing...:weed:
SmokeyDeHerb...that is a Good Looking plant.
Amazing the difference between day 18 & 21..

But gotta ask...why 12/12 on an Autoflower...?

Thanks Mossys, this is my first grow so nice to hear i'm doing something right:-P
As for switching to 12/12, basicly it's because of all the negative stuff i've heard about the nirvana NL auto's not flowering, not sure if mine are good or bad-bought them back in July- but don't want to waste too much time vegging them if they're not going to flower. Is it not a good idea to go 12/12? i've now read stuff that says 12/12 can reduce yeild on autos. Im seriously confused now as to what to do, 12/12, 18/6 or 20/4 :confused: If anyone can suggest what would be the best way to go i'd really appreciate it:leaf:
Different AUto's do better of different lighting times so there is no one answer for you. I am growing La diva strain which loves 24 hours light all the way through. Plus that gives you maximum yield.
Not sure what is best for your strain but I would be very surprised if 12/12 is good at any stage for an auto flower
BudWider strain from? Or is it your own cross?
One of mine.

Yeah I bet enjoying some b.betty :razz:. Its great seein peeps showin auto love!
Amen on both points Anon..
dargo says he has been mixing the red and the white bud from Bad Betty..
and it is Fine smoke..:bigjoint:

exactly. pink at the bottom of calyxs, making for serious eye candy!
Thought so..
you know White JEM is my favourite..
that is my second favourite..
It will be interesting to see what you think when you had the strong white pheno first.
Different AUto's do better of different lighting times so there is no one answer for you. I am growing La diva strain which loves 24 hours light all the way through. Plus that gives you maximum yield.
Not sure what is best for your strain but I would be very surprised if 12/12 is good at any stage for an auto flower

Thanks for the heads up dude, I think i'll stay 18/6 for another week and see if anything develops. Nirvana say flowering should start after about 3 weeks so if nothings doing by next weekend chances are they're from the dodgy batch so i'll bite the bullet, go 12/12 and assume they're not autos:leaf:
In fact the damaged one is growing faster than the non damaged one!!
Brillaint m8..that is what I wanted to hear..hearts like lions...
We are reading old damage.
karma sent for them...hope they are all girls....:leaf:

SmokeyDeHerb..that is what I was wondering about m8.

IF you think it is Non-AF..then 12/12 is where you want to be with it
IF you think it is will actually slow it.

Normally I can spot the difference with them at 100 paces..
I've done so many AF rolls..
but yours has me scratching my chin.
What size pot doyou have her in..and how Tall is she..
it is quite hard to judge in a photo.

Normally..AF's will start to flower once they reach 5 nodes...what do you have on her...?

Thanks Mossys, this is my first grow so nice to hear i'm doing something right:razz:
More impressive knowing it is your first.
Your cabinet/set up..and your care giving are obviously spot on...
coz what ever she is..she is in lovely condition.

Chilled growers grow chilled bud...;-)

BTW..if you have been smoking bought bud..and this is your first own grown bud/smoke..
I hope you are still around come harvest..
because it will wipe the floor with you...
in the most delightful way.....:bigjoint:
5 Week old Road Runner from Dinafem (Free UFO).
I'm reaching my heigth capacity of the cab. May have about 10" tops left.
Will that be enough room? Or should I take measures(?) now?
I keep hearing conflicting ideas on if LSTing works on autos.
Any Ideas?
Would be great if the growing was about done, but I fear it's not. :wall:
10-22k.jpg 10-22a.jpg 10-22d.jpg 10-22e.jpg 10-22f.jpg 11-22 craps!.jpg

As mentioned earlier,, I've no clue what I'm doing on these autos.