Cheers for all the karma..I'm feeling the rosy glow.
Should know by this afternoon if a trip is needed and if so..only one of us is going..
Anytime my friend ill send as much as i can and i know the rest of the guys will too.
Hope that the news is good when you get the call this after noon
i know all to well how frustrating the hospitals can be about information
This is a black developing.....aggghhhh........
Oh my, oh my, oh my. Look at that shit. There is going to be some serious color there soon
they are looking fantastic my friend

Got the fingers crossed as well as sending the karma over to get her to change out all the way

I knew there was something special about them......Gosh i cant get over the color development.
They can take it and by the way they are looking i dont think that they are complaining about their care at all.
They look vibrant my friend
Just gonna have a chill day today...
Sounds like a plan its the best you can o in a time like this. Enjoy some of that DC
on my way to mails m8...
You Do realise you have BH...and ME..(I have just seen it....
Bouncing with that work...?....
Mighty m8...mighty.
You and BH are not the only ones, ive seen it too and that shit is hot!
got some talent there Zen
Oh P.S....any Colour Fiends...last 9 photos in my gallery...
photos of colour coming in...
just incase you haven't got patience to wait...
you know who you are....tut..tut...
Your just mean you know that
thanks for the karma guys... mossy... what brand insecticidal soap do you reccomend? anything in particular?
predators will be here tommorrow... neemed soil/ and lower branches of the big girls... neemed enitre top chamber thoroughly... did some more reading on thrips:
JM i hope that you can get it under control bro. Bugs are never a good thing. I have had my fair share of gnats but nothing to damaging. Ive never had mites or thirps thank goodness. I usually keep the outside of the box area organically insecticided. Then on the inside i have some lady bugs and a few spiders that like to hang out in the corners of the upper area of the box. They never bother me i dont bother them and they LOVE their area. I rarely see a bug and the worms this time were a first for me. I saw them and about shit. I couln't believe that they hatched out of the blood meal. I got rid of that box fast.
Hope all theneeming works out for ya and that the soap does to. Im sending Karma my friend lots of it.
if i missed this John what types of mites or predators did you order.